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HELP! Need to "winterize" our MH in a hurry!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:44 am
by WildIrish
Our weather has taken a sudden turn for the cold--a hard freeze is expected tomorrow night. I want to make sure we're ready, so that no pipes freeze. But we're new to MH living, so we need help fast!

Our outdoor spigot has a shutoff valve in the crawlspace. Since the valve was turned off when we moved here this spring, I'm assuming it needs to be shut off again. Once I shut it off, will it be sufficient for me to turn on the outdoor spigot until the rest of the water is gone? Or will this even work, being that the water is turned off underneath the house? How can we make sure that the pipe won't freeze and burst, as it did when the previous owners lived here?

This MH has a foundation with a fairly large crawlspace. Is there anything else we need to do, to protect the pipes? I've heard that using heat tape on the pipes can be dangerous (=risk of fire). Would wrapping the pipes up be sufficient?

Any help would be appreciated ASAP. Sorry I didn't post this earlier...what with doctor's appointments and all, getting ready for winter simply slipped my mind....

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:32 am
by steve
You got it right..turn off the shutoff and open the spigot and heat tape is used every day by every MH. it is safe as long as you check it for wear and replace according to manufacturer recommendations

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:58 am
by Greg
Heat tape is safe when installed as the manufacturer's instructions state. There are a few options also.
I have heard of adding a flexable duct over the water line and tying it into the heat duct from the furnace it will blow warm air over it when the furnace is on. If you use an secondary heat source this system will not work since the furnace would not be running. Greg