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Energy use down

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:54 am
by Dean2
Will adjusting Our energy use downward affect standards of living? Any ideas/thoughts?

If this has already been covered maybe it's time to keep it going,We need to have it in mind pretty-much forever now-a-days.


RE: Energy use down

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:33 am
by JD
I think that it could have a big effect. There are so many important reasons to conserve energy and people are making this trend. But as the need to do so gets more severe, I think people will come together and make the sacrifices it takes to survive. It is too bad that it usually takes something as drastic as survival to get EVERYONE'S attention.

But the effect I am looking for is less is more. By going through the motions of saving energy, maybe people as a whole will be more conservative with everything. Not just oil, electricity and wood products, but maybe expensive homes, cars, clothes. Hey, I like nice stuff, but I am very happy with nice enough and maybe could do with a lot less than I have. My whole point is, maybe reducing this class hunger will evolve people to think more global socially as well as in ecology. It is just a short stretch from thinking of all the resources on our planet to the welfare of all humans on our planet.


RE: Energy use down

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:49 am
by Harry

Keep in mind.

As of November 2008, the world's population is estimated to be about 6.72 billion. The world's population, on its current growth trajectory, is expected to reach nearly 9 billion by the year 2042.[

Hopefully we will work on issues that will affect future generations....also.


Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:41 pm
by Dean2
JD-Good points,I like em. Affordable energy is a *must* for the future,"clean" energy that is.The Folks that can afford it need to invest in it to further the technology and bring down the price so it can all "snowball" in a good direction.

Harry-Glad Ya brought this up.I was looking at the World Population Clocks(don't have link at the moment)some months ago,they have some historical stats,did some quick math and it looked to Me that the world pop might reach 7Billion by 2012 or so. I'm sorry as to Folks who's religion is against it,,but,,it might be time for worldwide birth control. Nature has a *nasty* way when it comes to overpopulation!


RE: Energy use down

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:52 pm
by Greg S
Our standard of living can't help but be impacted at least in the middle and lower classes.
Even at a high price there is no alternate form of energy that is cheaper than oil.
As an example hybrid vehicles are more expensive for what you get and the cost to maintain them (battery replacement etc.) will also be higher. Also for most North Americans they are not as practical as they may be in Asian or European countries.

Conserving energy by passively reducing use will have a lesser impact on our personal standard of living unfortunately it will have a greater impact on our individual Quality of Life.

Nature having it's *nasty* way may in the long run be the best thing for this planet although there is evidence that humans have become too intelligent to have to respect the laws of nature.
As an example we continue to reproduce in areas that can not sustain life by externally providing food and medicine.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:02 pm
by Dean2
I think hybrids and alt energy are a good idea and if a person can afford it,go buy it,the more cars/parts sold the more tech should improve. I do mention stuff like that to folks wealthier than I am,just plantin seeds of thought,and,giving them ideas for a new toy.

The folks that starve in large #s need the birth control,the folks giving aid need them to have it too,*before* they go broke!

"We can't do permanent damage to the earth,it will right it's self eventually,what We damage is our ability to survive upon it". I forget Who said that :)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:31 pm
by Jim from Canada
Nature isn't "nasty", it's just nature. It has no emotion or care. It just trys to balance. The world won't end, but, maybe the world as we know it will.
