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Corner Garden Tub Faucet Leaking

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:24 am
by donnakaren
I have a 1997 Southern Engery Doublewide, the master bath which has a corner garden tub, is on the outside wall.
I just found my faucet leaking HOT water.

How in the heck do I get the faucet off the wall to replace it?
I was told that I would have to tear out the wall behind where the faucet is. There is no way that I could afford to have that done.

There is about a 1 foot section, the length of the tub, between an inside wall and the tub, close to where the faucet is located.

Thank you in advance for your time!!

RE: Corner Garden Tub Faucet Leaking

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:44 am
by savannahjules
I went through the same thing with my Southern Energy (1999) SW in June. I hired a handyman to come out and open up the wall from the outside. He measured from the floor of the home to the faucet (guestimated actually since you can't get from one to the other from under the tub) and then went outside and removed 3-4 rows of siding from the end of the house. Then he measured up and cut out a square from the plywood between the studs where he'd guesstimated the faucet was. He was low by about 1 1/2 inches, but he was able to maneuver and get the fittings removed. I held the new faucet in place while he went back outside and replaced the fittings. Then he put the insulation and plywood back on, and replaced the siding. The new faucet cost me $20 from the MH supply store, his labor was $50. You can do it yourself I'm sure if you have the tools (I don't have a skill saw so...). Oh, and don't forget to turn off the water if you are doing it yourself. Good Luck!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:38 pm
by Greg
Check under the home, there may be an access panel. You might have to remove the tub, or come through from the outside. Any way that you look at it it doesn't sound like a fun job. Greg