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Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:57 am
by gram2logan
So has anyone had any luck with one of these gadgets? My neighbor says she has one and hasn't had any mice since she plugged it in. Not sure which brand she has.

I am getting desperate to get rid of these blankety blank mice!! My cat killed one the other night. I don't know where it got in. I've stuffed steel wool around the pipe openings under the sinks, etc. This is the first time one has made it into the house. They usually are only in the walls and under the floor.

As I'm typing this, I can hear one chewing or something inside my living room wall. It's so irritating.


RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:31 am
by Yanita
Hey Barb!

Long time no see! Hope all is well with you and yours.

I think it is Harry that has one or has made many post about this. Try doing a search on past threads and hopefully you will find one that has a brand name. Have heard positive and negatives about these. LOL, guess that is the reason I have not bought one.

Merry Christmas,


RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:26 pm
by Harry

I have one in the floor duct in my masterbedroom. I bought it at HD. I like it and it works for me but ......... I also use moth balls and we have some cats on the property..........and Red Shoulder hawks and Great Horned owls.

When we moved in we had lots of critters. I used traps and poison in the beginning. One weekend we even put a radio under the MH and played rap music.

What ever it takes...get rid of the rodents.


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:30 pm
by peachlizzard
I too had many problems with mice after the first year. I have tried the electronic gizmos and I don't believe in them at all. In one week we trapped over a dozen mice in all. Those creatures will get into anything! Our best luck has been putting a thick gravel bed around the entire home, sealed up all the skirting as well as we could, and cats! TONS OF CATS! We at one time had about 20 of them roaming around on the ranch. We are down to about 9 now. They all stay outside and they only get fed every other day. The rest of the time they need to find their own food. We have not had mice problems in about 3 years! I wish you luck!

Re: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:10 pm
by Lizziebets
[quote="gram2logan"][size=12][color=darkblue]So has anyone had any luck with one of these gadgets? My neighbor says she has one and hasn't had any mice since she plugged it in. Not sure which brand she has.

I am getting desperate to get rid of these blankety blank mice!! My cat killed one the other night. I don't know where it got in. I've stuffed steel wool around the pipe openings under the sinks, etc. This is the first time one has made it into the house. They usually are only in the walls and under the floor.

As I'm typing this, I can hear one chewing or something inside my living room wall. It's so irritating.


As I am writing to you I too am hearing a mouse chewing on "something under the floor boards.. This has now been going on for about a week now. Have also trapped mice under the kitchen sink periodically (Also have steel wool around openings)!! This is getting worse and I too am looking for the ANSWER!!!
I was in CVS today and there is a electronic device that plugs in the wall (As seen on TV) that says it gets rid of this problem. I think it was $15.00, but I had just come from Walmart having spent X amount of dollars on other items to rid me of this nightmare.
I have been thinking of getting a cat, however to date (THANK GOODNESS) NO MICE have been IN the house, just under the sink area. Have no idea if mice STAY AWAY IF THEY GET THE SLIGHEST WHIFF OF A CAT???
I am going a tad nuts over this.
Best of luck to you too.

RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:52 am
by Yanita

If mice are under your sink then they have gained entry into your home. Under the sinks is what is called a false bottom. In other words there is a space between the bottom shelf of the cupboard and the floor. Chances are real good that the mice are coming up where the water lines enter in these areas.

Do mice stay away if they smell a cat...can definitely say NO to that one. Last year I removed the false bottom from under the kitchen sink, pulled the stove out of the way and had Hubby remove the water heater. I literally packed, stuffed and jammed, steel wool, spray insulation and screwed wood around every pipe...LOL, have mice again this fall.

I have since removed the 2 cupboard doors from under the sink, hung french country curtain panels and the cats have a blast!

Oh, and well fed cats still love the thrill of the hunt!

Merry Christmas,


RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:14 am
by Robert
I have killed 36 in our home in last 5 months and am looking at one right now.

If it has been invented, I have tried it.

Used to have one or two here and there. 5 months ago it was like

someone was holding a mice convention in our home, don't know what has caused it.

Every time I think it is over, here they come again.

Borrowing a mouse eating cat next week, after that, I'll try a .22, LOL.

Take care and best wishes,

RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:56 am
by oldfart
Nope...won't work. Trust me..been there and done that. The advertising hype reads quite well and they've got loads of "stuff" to back up their claims. Fact is it's just loads of...well...bunk. When cold weather approaches mice and other critters head for someplace warm and hopefully a food source. Not just mice..rats, coons, 'possums, stink-bugs (which I am plagued with!!) ladybugs, boxelder bugs... ad-nauseum. They're all looking for a place to spend the winter. The best advice fer vermin is a feral cat population. Not too well fed and we ain't talking some 40lb. fuzzy floor rag that demands Tender Vittles. When ya see a dozen skinny scrawny feral cats danglin' off my means the rodents IS being controled! Well..usually...puddy much so. Except I've got a bunch'a wurfless lazy half-blind feral cats that couldn't catch a mouse if it was bouncin' off their heads!! Anyways..stop stuffin' steel-wool next to all yer pipes. What them wiley rodents will do is gnaw on the pipes (usually plastic) to gain entrance. Plastic is easier to chaw on than wood or Audie...

RE: Ultrasonic mouse repellent........

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:21 am
by Greg S
I have also tried every method known to man and the only sure fire hands down successful method I know is poison.
If you use a product that kills and dehydrates the rodent you will not have a smell. They go to water after ingesting the poison and die quickly turning into a dust ball.
There are plenty of ways to put out poison to prevent anything larger than a mouse from getting at it and if you provide water for the mice to go to you will easily find and get rid of the dried carcases.
If you put the poison under the home you will also rid the surrounding area of rodents.