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New Here

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:34 am
by redtop
Iam so glad I found your site, Im a divorced, woman 58 years old an I have to boys but getting them to come over to fix some thing , is irritating, they have there own lives, so I'm learning to fix everything myself. I screened my screen room wasn't as hard as I thought, but since I have emphysema it took a long time. LOL but looks good. Any Way guess Ill be here a lot. Plus I ordered the repair book. so that should help.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:58 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome to the family. This is a big place so spend some time and look around, lots to see and read. Greg

RE: New Here

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:57 am
by Yanita

Another Welcome to the site.

Greg is right, there is alot of information here. You can spend alot of time checking out all the links in the task menu at the top of the page. Read the articles, check out every ones profiles, and hopefully create one for yourself.

LOL, I can sympathize with your plea of your grown kids not really helping out. I have 2 of my own, seems when they need help it is an emergency that I somehow created, yet the favors are seldom returned!

Purchasing the manual was a great first step in educating yourself about the proper repairs. I will leave you with another link that you can review at your leisure, bookmark it for future reference.

There are alot of folks here with ailing health, they take their repairs slow and sooner or letter get them accomplished. I am confident you can do the same with the smaller repairs.

Again, Welcome to the site and...

Merry Christmas,


RE: New Here

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:30 pm
by redtop
I just went to site you sent me, thanks already found some information i can use. Yes the boys are always busy, they say why didnt you ask me to do it, I say I did, well you should of reminded me. LOL. I work on my house a little then get on internet to see what I can find. My kids want me to get rid of trailer but they dont say who will pay for it. LOL . Got to love them. LOL