....and a short foot-chase followed...

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Well now folks let me begin this tale at the begining. I seem to have aquired..much to my distain...yet another feral cat. A kitten to be more precise. The sole surviving member of several litters of feral kittens is Chubba-Dubba. A rotund gray non-discript ball of fur that seems to follow me everywhere I go. The only reason I allow it into my home is he/she (??) has them "bad eyes" and Carol (girlfriend) likes it/he/she. Go figger. Now if anyone has some frugal way to clear up "bad eyes" PLEASE let me know. Ya'll know what I'm talkin' about...their eyes always seem to be weeping and covered in smutz. I'm wipin' this wurfless furballs eyes out with anti-septic wipes every day..sometimes several times a day and it's killin' me!! (3 cents for a anti-septic wipe!!) I've heard Boric-Acid helps...haven't tried that yet. I can tell ye that wrasslin' a 1 lb. kitten with a Handi-Wipe is a p.i.t.a.!! I'm about ready to try anything! Anyways..where was I....ohhh yes...the short foot-chase. More to come shortly...Audie....
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Okey-Dokey..got all the background stuff for this story told. Now..today..working on a meal for Carols visit tomorrow...musheroons stuffed with fresh-picked crab meat...deviled eggs...a chicken on the rotisseree stuffed with garlic...fresh Ceasar salad...new brussel-sprouts cleaned and ready for the pot...and a snack tray of cheese/pickles and sundry other items. And then it happened! I seen that furry rascal headed for the bedroom! Yup...Chubba-Dubba was in high-gear and his tail raised and I knew damn well what he was fixin' to do! Drop a hefty load right in front of the bedroom door! Been there..done that..delt with it...warn't about to let it happen again! Now mind ye!!!...I've givin' him a new litter-box to prevent just such an occurance. HE SLEEPS IN IT!!! Seriousley!! Feral cat...born and raised in dirt...makes sense..eh? Anyways..a short foot-chase followed!! Ohh yeah....this ain't done yet! Audie..the longwinded Oldfart...
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Well naw folks here's an epihany! I've got a 35in. inseam..take almost a yard per step. Somewhat more if agitated and I kin leap..several yards per step... if circumstances require! At one time I out-ran a '64 Mustang with a 302 V-8 for 4 city blocks. Harrumph! I was young..didn't know she was married!! But I'm older now..and much wiser. Anyways..Chubba-Dubba has a 4 inch leg span at best. He's a fat little feral kitten roughly 1lb. in weight...twice as wide as he is long. I was doin' quite well at first..till he faked right and headed left! I almost had that little bastid! He "juked" and I missed the turn at the bathroom door and that's when I lost it. I (as best I can recall) bounced off the wall and ricoched (sp.??) off the furnace and landed flat on my back..inert and unable to move. An folks..that's when this story really gits strange. Yes...more to come....Audie...:)
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Well now folks as the line goes...."There I was!" Flat on my back..with something out'a place and unable to move. I'm layin' there lookin' up at the ceiling...spraddled out like a roadkilled duck. The telephone is 40ft. away and even if I could reach it what would I tell the paramedics? "HELP....a kitten just gammahooched me and don't break down the front door...come in the back door as it'd be cheaper to fix!" ARRRRGH!! Eventually I got to my feet...and Chubba-Dubba got chucked out into the front yard. Well..gott'a run now. Have to set the table and I've a mess to clean up. Audie...The Oldfart...
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Greg S
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Location: Kingston Ontario Canada

You are going to need eye drops from a vet to clear up the eye infection the wipes are not going to reach the cause.

Try providing a second litter box and place some of the cats poop in it to get the message across. Once it starts using it you can try removing the one it sleeps in.
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