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Underbelly and more!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:11 am
by busybee1952
Hi, I'm new but have been browsing the site for awhile and purchased Mark's book a few weeks ago which I have studied in great depth. I have a 1984 14 x 70 with slide out on a 16 x 80 cement slab located on 5 acres in the woods. I have a well and it was cold here in Michigan this winter! I just purchased this place and did not realize what I was getting myself into. The well pump and pressure tank froze and broke on Jan. 12 and I had no water until 2 weeks ago when I was able to install a new pressure tank and pump. However, I only have water from a hose right now because the plumbing under the trailer is also messed up. The underbelly material is hanging down all over the place and there seems to be a leak in the drain pipe that goes to the kitchen sink. I removed most all of the skirting so things could dry out underneath and I've been under there a few times now and just stared and stared at the project that lies before me. I'm 55, female, and determined to do these repairs myself. One of my questions is can roofing paper be used to replace the underbelly tarp? Also, as long as I'm at it, should I go ahead and redo all of the plumbing since it has the polybute? stuff? I am only seeing problems with leaks where someone tried to put in some pvc to repair the grey pipe and it just came apart. Thanks for help!

RE: Underbelly and more!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:29 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome to the family! Well, you do have an advantage believe it or not. You don't have the cold weather closing in on you so you do have time to do it and do it right.
As for being a female, So what?, don't take that the wrong way please, we have many women here that are capable of doing about anything. Remember that the best support team in the world is right here. someone here has done what ever job you come across, we will get you through it. Greg

RE: Underbelly and more!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:42 am
by busybee1952
Thanks, I sure am glad I have all summer 'cause it will probably take that long! Any comments about using the roofing paper or whether I should replace the whole shebang on the water pipes?

RE: Underbelly and more!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:54 am
by Yanita
Hi Busybee...

Sure sounds like that is what you are going to be during the summer. Welcome to the site, and as Greg said, we are here to help!

You have done a couple things correctly already, first taking down the skirting and letting things dry out, the second is getting the repair manuel. This will let you know how to repair things as well as give you an idea if you can DIY.

Don't take offense on what Greg said...LOL, there are many women on this site that know what end of the hammer is suppose to hit the mail, and do not run the saw blade over the cord!

My opinion on your plumbing is this. Since you just bought the home, I think I would replace all the plumbing. Use pex it is the preferred piping material. So you do not get confused leave the original in place until you get the new in, then either leave the old where it is or take it out. When you get ready for this project we will go into further detail.

As for the underbelly material, many people have used different items for it...personally I would stay with actual underbelly material, but if you have a a bunch of tar paper then use it if you can not reasonably afford the material.

Unfortunately your first winter has shown you the importance of good plumbing, insulation, underbelly material and tight skirting, if all of these factors are not met, then you will certainly keep freezing up.

Mark sells underbelly material here on site as well as the crimper's if you replace your plumbing lines. Go to the BOOKS/PARTS link and you will see the items there. You can order online or call the 800# and order.

Glad to have you with us. Look forward to helping you with your future endeavors on your home.


RE: Underbelly and more!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:45 pm
by Maureen
Hi There and welcome to the forum!

Just about everything that Greg and Yanita said is right on the money!

I'd for sure change that plumbing out to PEX. Easier to install, maintain and has a much longer life than anything else on the market these days. It's also actually much easier to install, because all you need to do is run it along the original plumbing. Like Yanita said, there's no need to remove the old pipes.

As for the belly material, I wouldn't use roofing material in your area, or my area for that matter. I'd go with real belly material. This is designed to breath and take care of the under belly of your home. This is very important in your area. Also plan on replacing all the insulation under the home. Since your located in Michigan, you want to make sure that all Winters from now on are uneventful as far as your home goes.

We'll be more than happy to help you take each project on, step by step!

Like Greg and Yanita mentioned, we've got plenty of women on the board that can help. We here in all sizes, shapes and age! So don't let that stop you! What I lack in size and shape, I make up for in age LOL!

Maureen 8)