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I think I have found the culprit

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:43 pm
by Rae
So, in this post viewtopic.php?t=4576 I explain the problem we've been having with a strange squeak with our furnace. I looked up more info today online, and read somewhere that 'only hot water pipes squeak', so I went into that back bedroom's 1/2 bathroom, and turned off the hot-water supply to our sink. The only question I had was, is hot water being constantly supplied all the time, or only when you turn the faucet on? The hot water heater is about 40ft. from our back bathroom, and when I use the shower back there, it takes a good 3min. or so for the hot water to come through, so I think I answered my own question there.
I called another heating/plumbing place today, and told the gentlemen the problem we've been having with this squeak we hear no matter if the furnace is on or off. He was at a loss to explain it.

My husband and I have thought about buying a new furnace, buying each and every thing new that might be related, and at our wits' end, selling our mobile home and moving.

My husband (who is enlisted in the Navy) has duty tonight, and won't be home til tomorrow sometime, so I'm here alone today, tonight, and some of tomorrow. I suddenly heard the squeak again, and I noticed my small dog had been yawning. I'm not 100% sure, but I *think* he's making this high-pitched whine when he yawns. Come to think of it, this might also explain why we don't hear it at night (he's asleep), or much during the day, but then it mostly starts up around evening (when he's getting tired).

I cannot believe our sanity has been on the edge these past few days (and probably longer, but I just kept thinking a car was pulling up) when it's been my dog yawning?? (at least, I seriously hope so).

If so, we will be the laughing stock of EVERYONE we've told this to. :?