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Ha haaaaa! Yipeeee! How's the season goin for ya?

I just got home from our family get together,celebrated and gamed the whole time,well,when not eating like a clydesdale anyway!

Plenty of PC gaming,good company,dark beer,party favors,and,of course,friendly teasing of family n friends! Was well worth the 4-5 hour drive each way!


PS;;Still celebrating as We speak,I put work off till Tuesday! :twisted: :lol: 8)
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Thats the way the Holidays were meant to be! Sounds like a warm up to New Years celebrations!

Yeah man!! New Years *and* **another 2** birthdays comin right after!! Ahhhh well,,I'll die happy!

The nice thing about partying with the good stuff(dark beer n all)is I can't afford quite as much and juuuuust might squeek thru alive! :D
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Still recovering from our family get together last week in south Fla.

Today I'll fix the family traditional hog jowl and blackeyed peas. I fix mine with onion, smoked sausage, chopped bell pepper and some rice.

Aside from the roof leak, soft floors, rats, mice and bursted plumbing ........ how do you like it?

Harry,sounds like You may be around My age,sometimes it takes days to get over hours of partying. I don't think i've ever had jowls or blackeyed peas,the other stuff sounds much like stuffed baked peppers,yummy.

So far,My New Years has been boring,just had a few then slept all night. Not to fear tho,another birthday is coming soon! :)

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Must be nice, you guys actually have to party, all it takes for me needing recovery is staying up past midnight!!! Greg
Last edited by Greg on Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."

It *is* nice Greg! That is till the hangover hits and My head feels like a tree fell on it,,twice! Coffee will help a mild one but with a bad one coffee just makes Me feel bad *faster*,so to speak.LOL. I don't give-up easy tho,I just might party till I die.

Actually,if I quit getting hangovers after hard party nights I get worried that I'm doing too much and shut it down till I feel like it will be fun again. No matter what Ya pick up,,Ya gotta check to be sure You can still put it down! That's My creedo. :) Creedo part 2 is,,too much of a good thing,ain't good. :D
