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Installing a TV

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:18 pm
by Mirose
I hope this is in the right spot. It is not really a repair... but it is not really belong in the outside fix it area either....

My husband was offered a 60" flat TV in partial payment from a client. This is semi normal for this area right now since every is hard up. Anyway, I would like to mount it on the wall, especially since I have 2 under 2. How would I do this? I know there are brackets you buy to put them up with, but the wall....

The wall I want to put it on is in the living room (I bet you guessed that though). On the other side of that wall is a room we will be fixing this spring. (I had a leak but will go there later this spring). So I was wondering if I should pull off the drywall on that side and put in some 2x4 for support?

Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

lol and I did look in the repair guide! lol Nothing in there on it.

RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:13 pm
by Harry

That tv probably weighs 100 lbs.

I like your idea of adding a couple of studs.


RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:24 am
by Yanita

I agree with Harry. Open up the wall, ascertain what you have for interior wall studs and add framing as needed. You may need/want to add a few nailers in there as well.

Others may disagree, BUT, my friend recently found their tv on the floor. The wall mount system they used allows you to swing the tv into various positions. After swinging it around a few times those little interior studs broke. Nailers are pieces of wood nailed horizontally between the studs.

Your choice.


Re: RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:17 pm
by shadow745
Harry wrote:Hi

That tv probably weighs 100 lbs.

I like your idea of adding a couple of studs.


Have you picked up any flat screen TVs lately? My wife has a 26-27" LCD and that thing might weigh 10-12 lbs. if that. They are much lighter than they look.

I would mount the bracket(s) to studs though just for extra measure. Later!

RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:42 pm
by Yanita

The orginal poster said they have a 60" tv, my 42 inch weighs at least 50 pounds...


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:04 pm
by Greg
The actual weight of the TV needs to be established first. There are a few types of flat screen TVs Plazma, LCD, projection, analog etc. The manufacturer should have a web site that you can get the information from if you do not have a manual. Greg

Re: RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:11 pm
by shadow745
Yanita wrote:Hi,

The orginal poster said they have a 60" tv, my 42 inch weighs at least 50 pounds...

Well how new/type is your 42" TV? Like I said we have an LCD in the 26-27" range and it feels like styrofoam to me. Surely a 60 incher couldn't be too heavy, well not to me anyway. Later!

RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:49 pm
by Yanita
Well it is not mine that is getting wall mounted, but to answer your question mine is less than a year old...Akai, 42" plasma...

Now I do have another smaller, LCD flat screen and yes, that one seems to weigh less than my brief case.

I try to answer questions as to the information provided by the poster.


Re: RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:38 pm
by Mirose
Yanita wrote: Nailers are pieces of wood nailed horizontally between the studs.


Yeah, I was thinking of putting some in vertically and horizontally.

As far as weight.... Heavy as all get out form my understanding. My MIL has a 50 inch plasma and it is HEAVY!

Anyway, I am not sure on brand or weight. I am going to guess 60lbs? maybe more. They do make wall mounts for it, I know that. My husband wanted me to make sure it could be done before he said "OK". Though I know I will be the one to do all the work... *sighs*

I was thinking of running some of the wire (like for dvd and what not then have it come out near the bottom of the wall) for it through the wall too and put an access panel on the other side (when we re do that wall this spring).

Thank you!

RE: Installing a TV

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:48 pm
by Yanita

Good luck with your install. Hopefully you can get some pics of your work and upload them into your personal album, give others a point of reference should they want to do this themselves.

LOL, I rearrange furniture and been know to change rooms as well, so wall mounting is not an option for me.

I am going to lock this topic now, should you have further questions please feel free to start another thread.
