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Cracks in my drywall around windows?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:12 pm
by Calimesa
Maybe someone has this same issue? I have a beautiful mobile home which I purchased a little over a year ago. It is about 15 years old. Before I purchased I had an inspection of the home done, and other than some loose HVAC insulation hanging in the crawl space, I got a clean report.

The problem is that I just noticed some drywall cracks around my bedroom and living room windows. I did not see them before. I am concerned because a few months ago they installed some utilities in the nearby street (120 feet away) and there was a large vibration that I could feel in my home when they closed up the trench.

Could it be that this street work caused the damage with the cracking of my drywall? My son who is in the contruction business tells me that the vibration could make the soil under my home unstable now. I hope not. Maybe I should talk to a professional about re-leveling my home. Any idea as to what this cost?

I have contacted the City and they tell me to talk to the contractor about this problem? I don’t know what to do or if I should be concerned about the cracks or the bad soil. Maybe I just need to patch the cracks and paint over it?

Any suggestions? :?

RE: Cracks in my drywall around windows?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:44 pm
by MacAttack
Just my opinion, but having been through a few earthquakes (1989 Loma Prieta being the largest) in a frame house - we had the same thing happen. I would not worry about the soil, but I'm pretty sure the cracks resulted from the work. Ask your neighbors if they had the same thing happen.

cheers, Mac

RE: Cracks in my drywall around windows?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:08 pm
by Yanita

Welcome to the site.

You do not say if your home is singlewide or double. Was it set there a year ago or has it been there longer than that.

It is doubtful that the work being done by the city created this damage, and the soil under your home should/would not be compromised.

If your home has been there a year or less it is likely that it is starting to settle and some cracks in the sheetrock would show where the stress is.

If it has been there longer than a year or so then it may be time for a relevel. Not knowing anything about your home makes it hard to form a real opinion.

Again, not being familiar with rates in your area a singlewide can cost around 200 to 300 dollars and a double wide twice that much to relevel. Although there are things that you can do to possibly lower the amount.

What type of foundation does your home sit on cement slab, blocks, frostline footers...what type of soil is there?

Have a good day!


RE: Cracks in my drywall around windows?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:10 pm
by Greg
If they are single cracks like corner or seam cracks I would not be too worried, Check the level on the home to make sure it is right (with a water level). If the cracks are diagional THEN I would be concerend as something most likely shifted. Greg

RE: Cracks in my drywall around windows?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:22 am
by Maureen
We have both earthquakes, and The Sierra Army Depot very close to us. They set off old bombs in the desert that send shock waves right under our home! We've had to replace several windows, and have suffered those type of cracks in every home we've had in the area! Stickbuilt or mobile.

All of our homes need to be checked for level every few years. That's just the nature of the beast.

As Yanita mentioned, if we have more information about your home and location, we can better advise you!

Welcome to the site!

Maureen 8)