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My floor is floating!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:54 pm
by TheStitchWitch
A few days ago we turned off our air conditioner and opened the windows in our doublewide. This is something we do often but this time the vinyl floor in the kitchen/dining room area floated up from the floor. You could walk on it and it would go back down and rise again once you were no longer standing in that spot. It was not just one area but the whole floor except for where it meets the walls. If it makes a difference it was very windy that day. :shock:

It has only happened the one time but I'm guessing that there is no glue holding the vinyl to the floor? Does this mean I have some kind of terrible air leak in my home?

The home is still under warranty but I would like to know what is going on so that when I call to have them fix it, I know it gets done.

RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:32 pm
by JD
When you warranty repair guys get there, they should be able to find out what is going on or keep coming back until they get it right. You can check their work by opening windows on windy days.

Sounds like you have edge glue vinyl flooring. The puffing up is definitely caused by airflow. The airflow could be coming from openings in underbelly, which may not be a warranty repair if caused by critters or repairman damage. It is also possible that you have a hvac vent leak and air is flowing through the heating/AC unit.

Don't let them close up your skirting vents or airflow to correct the problem. The skirting should vent, the underbelly shouldn't. Well at least not enough to cause the vinyl to puff up.


RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:41 pm
by TheStitchWitch
I crawled all around under my house before calling and could not find any holes or obvious damage to the underbelly. I did find some of my missing skirting that Hurricane Ike blew off though so that was cool. The floor still floats with all the skirting on though.

The repair guy just left and he said he has no idea what the cause is. The puffing up is only in the kitchen/dining area and does not happen anywhere else in the house. I have a pretty large laundry room with vinyl flooring too but it does not have this problem (its in the other half of the house opposite the kitchen).

The repairman will call me back after speaking with his boss. He has never seen this happen before so does not know what to do He is talking about possibly pulling up the flooring and gluing it all down instead of just the edges. It sounds like a pain in the rear so I'm glad its him doing it and not me.

RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:09 pm
by Yanita

Although they may take up the flooring and glue it all down...that does not "fix" the problem as to why your heat is going in an area that it should not.

Have you removed your register (vent) covers from the floor and made sure that there are no gaps from the aluminium boots (ducting ) to the subfloor (wood/subfloor)? Is the vinyl flooring extending out beyond the floor, causing the heat to go underneath?


RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:27 pm
by 68Marlette
Hey there,
If the vinyl is original it is most likely a perimeter bond. Actually the factories don't use glue as a rule, the vinyl is stapled in a corner, stretched and the opposite corner stapled, then the other two corners, then the walls go on. I had a 1984 moho once, everytime the heat came on in the winter it blew up the vinyl. Somewhere there is air getting in.


RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:02 am
by oldfart
M'am after reading your post several times I never saw any mention of "the furnace kicking on and blowing the flooring up." You said you turned off the A/C and opened up the windows. Hmmm? I think that eliminates the floor registers/grates/duct-work being the problem. Somehow air is entering the home under the floor and causing the vinyl flooring to lift. Even without skirting this shouldn't happen!! Or....(scratching my bald head now..) could opening up the windows create enough vacume in the home to lift said flooring?? Think about it...airflow moving thru the open windows creates a vacume..the underside is sealed properly. The vacume lifts the vinyl flooring up..not an under-draft. Could this cause the problem? Audie..the perplexed and puzzled Oldfart...

RE: My floor is floating!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:57 pm
by TheStitchWitch
Well, its still floating when the AC/heater are off. Not all the time though, just when its very windy outside. The companies repair guy is coming back out to crawl around and see what he can figure out.

It floated up teh other day with the windows closed and the AC off so I am clueless. I guess there has to be an air leak under the floor but hidden by the underbelly covering. :?