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Southern winter wonderland!!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:33 am
by Yanita
Woo Hoo,

With all the years I have been in business this is the first snow day I have ever taken! Well actually was given (without pay :( ),LOL. My clients for the day called and cancelled.

The storm did not come as early as predicted but none the less it is here now. Beautiful! Everything is snow covered. I know, I know, you guys that live North of me are probably tired of winter already, but this is pretty to look at and I know by tomorrow it will probably be gone.

For today the schools and alot of places are closed, and LOL, no bread or milk at the grocery stores. My oldest son is an ambulance driver and he has been on the road since 4AM...another reason to stay home today.

Well time to pull my hair back and get the paint cans opened... today I will settle in and paint the hall walls. Yesterday we got the crown and door casings installed and some other various corner trims....looking good!

OK folks, stay safe and warm, and if you are in the south, stay off the roads...


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:05 pm
by Dean3
Hey Yanita,You sound like a kid in a candy store,,,,,,on a school day! Good deal I sez,good deal.

I don't get tired of snow till late winter,it's the bitter cold that I don't like. I don't like the extreme heat and humidity of high summer either. We get way too much of both here for comfort. I like a good warm(25F)blizzard come winter and a good cool rain come summer.Late Summer-Autumn is,by far and away,My fav time of year.

Summer has 1 big bright spot tho,,,,canoes with coolers(beer)in 'em!


RE: Southern winter wonderland!!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:24 pm
by Yanita
Hey Dean,

As you have probably read before I am from the North, so snow is nothing new. BUT, I am over it already...

A tree branch has broke from the wind and has landed behind the Monte, can't move it or the dam car!

I no longer have a mail box! Sorry native southerners but many do not know how to drive in this weather...hence no mailbox! :roll:

Our property is like a very large triangle, with one part of it butting up to the road...we live in a long sweeping corner, currently there is a white Toyota 4 runner sitting on its nose in the ditch on my property line!

About everything is closed and what is not will be shortly. Hubby just called and they are getting done for the day at 3. On a 2 hour time delay for tomorrow. Generally our snow comes and goes all within 24 hours...not this time. :evil:

Well the hall has been painted, laundry done, dinner cooking in the crock pot, watched the Inauguration and shampooed the hall carpet, wrote bills and balanced the checking account...hmmm, no mailbox, what to do with the bills? ... Anyone wanna play cards???


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:59 pm
by Dean3
Any 4WDs in the area?,just hook a chain on and pull the branch off to the side till it can be cut up.

Perhaps the best way to learn about snow is to find an empty lot and go play in it with the car,I used to love doin that back in the 70s,nothing to hit and plenty to learn.

A nearby forum was talkin about the blizzard of 79,,I remember it well,,got stuck twice that winter,both times during that blizzardy night. The rest of that story is just too much fun!


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:02 pm
by Greg
Well Yanita, I just have to say it---

WIMPS!!!!!!! Greg

RE: Southern winter wonderland!!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:16 pm
by Yanita
Hey... easy,

I am not a wimp! :wink: I simply prefer the 100* days next to the pool! I lived in Northern Vt for 38 years, heck the final winter we were there it got to -48.

I CHOSE to move south to get away from the snow.

I can drive in it, others can not, hence the reason for not leaving the house, then the dam tree limb broke from being half froze and swinging in the wind!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow bring...maybe a thaw and then freezing into black ice...WOO HOO :roll:

Hey Harry whats happening down your way? I expect to see the price of grapefruit, strawberries and oranges on a dramatic rise???
