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DIY quickie job

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:02 pm
by Dean3
I thought My shower valves(behind knobs/wall) were leaking,happened
to look at the drain where it connects to the tub,much of the metal
flange has rusted and broken off.Turned the water on and looked
under,,yepper,the drain was the culprit. So I started scheming "what
do I have here to try a fix so I don't have to spend any money
yet?",well the best bet in My tool room was Super Weatherstrip
Adhesive,same stuff I used to attache the homemade cell antennas(experiment when bored)to the bases.

I cleaned around the flange(sorta) and dried thouroghly with My
heat gun,applied the weatherstrip(black goop)all round making sure it
was getting into the probable leak areas then dried carefully with
the heat gun so I could take a shower right away,,well,,I did let it
cure for another hour without added heat.

It probably wasn't fully cured but I jumped in anyhow,when done
showering,dry floor! Aaalllriiiigght! Now We'll see how long it lasts.

I have 00.0 desire to crawl under the house in cold weather to shut
the main water off to replace the rubber washers in the faucet
handles plus I might move the tankless WH to the backside wall of the
shower(by washer and dryer)come spring and clean inside it with CLR
to remove rust and such while it is disconnected. I think,maybe,the
WH's performance is down due to rust/crud inside it blocking the heat transfer.

At any rate that tube of weatherstrip adhesive seems to be good
stuff for lots of uses(temporary fixes anyway),not just gluing rubber weatherstrips back onto
