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Super Bowl Parties...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:17 pm
by Yanita
Hey everyone,

Now I am not a huge football fan...but I do love a get together with friends...

Whats everyone doing for the bowl?

I am headed to a friends for good eats and a good time...

Ohhh, the team of choice...The Steelers


LOL, and for you NASCAR fans...WOO HOO... next weekend is the start of another season! :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:46 pm
by Dean3
Yeaahhhh Steelers!! My 2nd fav team! Clip the Card's wings! Tar and de-feather them birds! :D

My 1st fav team shoulda put on the cheerleader's outfits in 08! Woulda been just about as productive :( Sad Chiefs,,sad.

RE: Super Bowl Parties...

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:20 pm
by Harry

My favorite team is the Clearwater Tornados Class of '62.

Half time now. Let's see what the Cards can do.

Made some killer fried rice for the main meal today......... Recession food.


Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:12 pm
by Dean3
Yes!! Pitt got it!

They were fallin apart in the 4th but a few big plays put em back on top. Whew!

I do have to eat My words tho,,it was no tar and de-feather job,,was a nailbiter of a 4th quarter!

Hats off to the cards.


RE: Super Bowl Parties...

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:55 am
by JD
Went to a small get-together, 5 guys. I was the only one projecting a Steeler win, so the shouting was pretty one sided. At least until the end.

Way too much food. Meatballs, crap, shrimp, and all fixins you can think of. I did my best but the food won.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:37 pm
by Dean3
Steelers 27/Cards 23- then - Food 1/JD 0..:D

I didn't have that problem,just stayed home alone and had sandwiches n chips. Coulda went to My Son's place to gather around His new flatscreen for slow cooked BBQ pork but decided against it,too much alcohol there and I'm stickin to My 1 month dry goal,,2 days to go on that!

My neighbor just got done using their company skidloader to clear snow from My parking area. Took 10 minutes. Now there is room for a visitor to park between My car n truck. Just watch,We'll surely get a big blizzard with drifting now! LOL
