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Now the work begins!

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:16 pm
by englishk72
On Friday, I became the owner of a 1993 Century 14x70 MH. It was a bank repo, and needs some work. I've already started taking pics so we can track our progress.
Today, I noticed a bit of rust around the edges of the roof, nothing bad....I've read a few posts about a coating for the roof? Is this something we would be able to do ourselves? Does it help with insulation?
I've lived in MH before, but always much older ones. The one I have purchased does not have central air, and I am concerned with cooling this summer. Previously, I never had any luck with window units in a MH......has anyone? With the work we have ahead of us, I am not sure an ac unit will be in the budget by summer.

RE: Now the work begins!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:26 am
by Harry

I once lived in a MH in south Florida that only had a wall unit in the master worked fine. The rest of the MH was a living hell. And then one day Hurricane Andrew blew it away.


RE: Now the work begins!

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:39 am
by Yanita

Yes, if you are physically able you can clean and coat your own roof. There are many threads on this, look for the ones authored by JD. We consider him our on site roof expert.

The last MH I owned had a metal roof, prior to coating the roof the interior ceiling felt warm...once the roof was coated it deflected the summer sun and kept the attic area cooler. Hence my electric bill did show some improvement.

As for the AC unit. I know several people that do not have central air here in NC. Typically they have 2 or 3 units installed. Proper installation of these units is imperative.
