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Range Plug 3-prong to 4-prong

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:05 pm
by Bill_Ballinger
I have a 1973 Coleman 12x65. The stove sometimes gives a jolt when I touch the stove and the exhaust fan in the wall. It's an old stove, electric, probably the same age as the house. I looked in the owners manual. It said that it's supposed to have a 4-prong cord for a mobile home. It has a 3-prong right now. I understand how to change the cord but have no idea how to wire up the plug in the wall. Thanks, great forum and site, btw.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:23 pm
by Greg
Bill, Hi & welcome. You have hit on one of the two areas that we will not give advice in (the other is gas). I would reccomend hitting the home center's book section.

Gas & Electrical are areas that can have fatal results if not done correctly. Greg

RE: Range Plug 3-prong to 4-prong

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:25 am
by Greg S
Are you sure it is the stove and not the range hood that is causing the problem. Does it only happen when the range hood is running or does it happen all the time.
Test it out with different variables. Try testing it by connecting a volt meter between the hood and a ground other than the stove.
Do you get a shock when touching other electric appliances and the stove at the same time.
There is no reason to assume the stove plug is the problem.

RE: Range Plug 3-prong to 4-prong

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:08 am
by Bill_Ballinger
Thanks for the replies. I definitely understand not giving advice on that. Too many ambulance chasers nowadays. LOL FWIW, I'm pretty sure it's the stove. I don't have a range hood. I have a fan in the wall with the chain and flap. I get shocked when the stove is on and I touch the stove and fan chain or put my foot on the air vent in the floor. It wont shock me it I touch the fan with a glove or the vent with a shoe on. Seems like it isn't grounding and is looking for a ground.

RE: Range Plug 3-prong to 4-prong

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:27 pm
by Yanita

Thanks for understanding on not giving technical advice on electric. We do not want anything to happen to you or your home from an error or misunderstanding.

Also just throwing this disclaimer out also...IF a member should contact you with instructions on how or what to do this site is not accountable. We do have a disclaimer in our registration process.

Glad to have you here and hope we can help with other issues you may come across.
