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Replacing existing furnace

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:44 am
by wannadance
Our double-wide was purchased new in 2000 and is approx. 1600 sq. ft. The furnace is a Miller M1MB 090A BW which is located in our utility room at the end of the house. It's enclosed with walls on 2 sides but the front is exposed. Our heat bills have been really high although we keep the thermostat at 68 during the day and 65 at night so we are considering a 2 or 3 stage high efficiency replacement. Does Carrier make them for MH's? We are having a Sear's rep. come up next week (that's the brand they sell) to assess our needs and I was wondering what kind of questions we should ask so we aren't going to be sold something we don't need or want. What size should we be looking at? Can you give us a ballpark figure on what the cost will be? I know everyone charges differently but I'd kind of like to know what we can expect in price. Would you even recommend a replacement furnace and do you think it would be cost efficient for us to do this. Any help you can give us will truly be appreciated as we are novices in this field.

RE: Replacing existing furnace

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:15 pm
by Rod
Sears is gonna be expensive! Find a good reputable Mobile Home Service company in your area or a good HVAC that does alot of mobile home furnaces.

Both Miller & Coleman make High Efficiency units that are 90%+
Your M1MB is an 80% unit.

The advantage would be to the Miller as it will sit in the same "footprint" as your existing unit.

Most of the "residential units" are not compatible for mobile home duct work. I would Stick with a furnace designed for Manufactured housing. I'm sure Robert could give some more insight on that.

FYI Sears in are area does not do their own installs they contract them out to HVAC companies. So now your paying profits to two companies for 1 install.


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:04 pm
by DigitalDreams
Special note :Make sure that it is mobile home approved furnace you buy as some insurance
company's will not cover fires or damages caused
by non manufactured housing furnaces or at least ask your insurance agent and get it in writing they will before you do.

RE: Replacing existing furnace

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:44 pm
by Robert

It is against code to install a non-approved gas furnace in a MH, so insurance will definately not cover it as will the furnace warranty.

Most residential companies do not make a MH approved gas furnace.

Go with HVAC company who does lots of MH work/installs or a MH Repair company doing hvac as well.

We do not give price quotes as they can vary by more than a couple thousand depending on area, company and what you get.

As for size needed, get an ACCA or equivalent Manual J Residential Load Calculation done to know size needed at this time.

Find reputable installer, do homework, ask questions and listen and make desicion based on that info.

Best to get at least two or three estimates.
