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skirting update

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:55 am
by Brenda (OH)
Thank-you for all the skiritng install advice on my previous post, it really helped out in an unexpected way!

because I had been "studying-up" on the skirting, I realized when movers came to drop off a porch I was moving from another MH, I needed to hurry and install the top rail before they slid the porch up to the side of the MH. Now at least I have a chance to see if I can slide the skirting pieces in without dragging the porch back out. I think there might be a chance, if I put skirting piece in, then slide the bottom rail in, and then secure the bottom rail.

or better yet, has anyone every needed to install skirting behind a porch?

good thing I like to laugh and see the funny side of life, because I will be spending lots of time under this MH, repairing the belly wrap, etc. at least the weather is getting better, and no snakes live under this MH yet.....

Brenda (OH)

RE: skirting update

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:17 am
by Susan

We just did this about a week ago. As long as the rails are there it shouldn't be a problem. Just set the panels inside the rails and slide them behind the porch. We had existing skirting, so we just removed a couple of panels, put in the pieces that needed to slide behind our new deck, and replaced the ones we took out. Had to do a little trimming of the length for the new panels, but otherwise it was really simple.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out for you.

RE: skirting update

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:44 pm
by Brenda (OH)
Duh, boy did I have a brain dead moment,

of course I can have the bottom track on, and slide the skirting down it, and out to the far side of the porch.

thanks for the logic check!!!

will be awhile to get to the skirting, I may be painting the home, and I am a very messy painter, and it the skirting will be better off waiting inside the MH vs getting dripped on.....

Brenda (OH)

RE: skirting update

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:54 am
by Yanita

Remember that for every day/night your skirting is not up and secure leaves the opportunity for wild critters and cats/dogs to get under your home and potentially create alot of damage.

