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Home destroyed in storm

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:26 pm
by RumCreeker
As a long time fan of this web site I have bad news and good news. Our mobile home was completely destroyed by a huge tree last Wednesday night during a severe wind storm. The good news, my disabled wife who is confined to a wheel chair and our much loved and spoiled Yorkie (named Scooter) were unhurt. I will try to upload a picture and you will see how truly lucky we were.
After I figre out how to remove a several thousand pound tree off the home I guess I will have take it apart to remove from property.
Anybody need any firewood?Image

RE: Home destroyed in storm

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:38 pm
by Yanita
Hi RumCreeker,

Wow, am glad to hear that you and the wife and Scooter are safe. Hopefully you have home owners that will cover your loss.

Please keep us posted on what you are doing. Are you going to put another home on the lot?


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:56 pm
by RumCreeker
Thanks Yanita, we had some insurance but not enough for a new model. Will look for a good repo or used one most likely. We own the property and will be back AFTER a massive tree cutting project. Should have cut those trees down years ago but it cost so much. Wish we had bit the bullet and done so then we would not have this mess.

RE: Home destroyed in storm

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:27 am
by Yanita

Make sure to print off a copy of Purchasing a Used Mobile when you start shopping around. LOL, you probably know that and all it's info already.

Yup, get rid of the trees that are tall enough when toppled they land on your home.

We we bought this place almost 3 years ago our insurance rep had to come and do a home/land inspection before they would grant the insurance policy.

One of the biggest things they checked was trees. No longer can they hang over your roof (branches) Also the estimated the height of the trees and then the distance from the tree to the home...if it could hit it had to come down.

We almost did not get the company I wanted as The land adjoining mine has a huge loblolly pine, just over the property line. If/When it comes down, should it be in my direction it will take out my kitchen, dining and living room. Ohh, and the carport as well.

I suppose the good thing for you right now might be the economy. Alot of dealerships and used lots are selling real cheaply right now, that could work to your advantage.

Good luck, and once again glad to hear that you are all safe.


PS...I am going to move this to the Off Topic forum.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:57 pm
by Greg
Rumcreeker, Please be very careful if you are removing the tree, I have done my fair share of storm cleanup, ice storms, tornados & hurricanes.

You ALWAYS have to think at least one cut ahead and think of what is going to happen after you make the cut and the weight changes. I have personally seen people hurt and lucky they weren't killed by just going in and cutting. Be safe. Greg

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:41 am
by WildIrish
We just had the latticework on the north side of our porch destroyed by high winds. I was bemoaning the loss of it, until I read about your plight. Makes me glad we have no trees on our property. :(

Best of luck to you in finding a suitable replacement MH for your family. And please heed Greg's warning about cutting that offending tree down to size.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:07 am
by Teatime
Wow, I am SO glad that you, your wife and your doggy are OK! What a hit your home took! Do be careful doing the cleanup and tree removal!

I hope y'all get a good settlement so you can buy a great new home!
