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ASAP!!Siding prob.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:37 am
by tinyone
Ok. Sorry, I do not have a camera to take pics of this. I think tomorrow will be the day to fix my siding. Well, I don't know now, seeing the weather, (chance of rain, + high winds 20 -30 mph). The temp will be around 40, I may do it today. Fri. or weekend, the latest. I kinda prefer wkend, cause too many nosey ppl :oops:
So. It's basically double 'strip' of siding, say about 3 feet length & several inches wide, that's come loose, & hanging off the house.
I really need to know what products to buy to fix it myself. It was suggested prev. some flashing, I guess it's like a double sided tape, but used for this type of purpose. What kind, though? I looked on Home Depot, there's different types: vinyl, etc, & it says it's used on wood. I know to get a heat gun. Are there 'clips', should I get those, & what are they called. Sorry to start another thread, but I need to know what to get. Most of HD's, & Menard's ppl don't know what they're talkin' about. THANKS A LOT T.

RE: ASAP!!Siding prob.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:05 pm
by Yanita

I have no idea what to tell you to get...we really need a pic. This thread has continued in a couple maybe 3 different threads and it is getting hard to keep up with you.

Like I said in your other thread...Why can't the vinyl be nailed back into place and secured properly?

In this case a picture is worth a thousand words. We can all give you a shopping list but that does not mean we are sending you to get what is really needed.

Please do not open another thread on this...keep it all here. I did as you asked and did not lock the last one! I will lock it now though as there is no reason for 2 threads on the same thing.


RE: ASAP!!Siding prob.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:47 pm
by tinyone
I don't know about this stuff, I'm just trying to get help, :? & I'm desparate. I just don't have a camera to take pics with. I would appreciate positivity on this subject, thank you.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:58 pm
by flcruising
It's very hard to give useful advice when we're not even sure what the issue is exactly. Textual descriptions can only go so far in this case. The best thing for you to do is barrow a camera and show us, since we can't imagine in our mind's eye how to tell you to fix this properly. If this seemingly simple problem has been addressed in the past for you by a person (in person), but it still hasn't been resolved, then we, who can't see why it hasn't been fixed (in the seemingly simple way it seems it needs), are very unlikely to be able to tell you how to fix it yourself.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:44 pm
by Greg
From what I have been able to put together it sounds like it's the very top course of siding that you are having problems with. It sounds to me like the top is coming out of the top "J" channel first and then pulling free of the nails holding the bottom. If this is the case, you may want to try drilling a few small holes through the top and putting a few stainless steel screws to hold it in place. Greg

RE: ASAP!!Siding prob.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:49 pm
by Rod
Is the piece of siding the very top piece?

Is it on the Gable end or or on the long wall?

I know it been said but pictures would help.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:30 am
by Dean3