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Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:56 pm
by buffee
Hopefully I have put this thread in the correct area. my mobile home in the master bedroom there is a accordian style room divider on a track that divides the bedroom from the vanity(we've never used it, but its there-we actually hung pretty curtains in front of them.
Anyway I have 6 cats(4 of them of HELLIONS)...I want them to stay out of the living room. the entry to the living room is approx entrance is approx 10 feet tall & 6 feet wide. the kitchen into the dining room entry is 6 tall and 4 feet wide. Can this be done. I just want something like an accordion style door, that you can pull & latch on on side. Nothing fancy or insane, just something to prohibit them from going into that room. I have spent a fortune on alarms, bells, sprays, infared, motion detectors--I think doors would be the best. any suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! :lol: :lol: :lol:

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:59 pm
by Mary and Griffin
Well, we have something in common...except I only have one of them. I love him to death, but sometimes he gets really out of control. I'm going to watch your post to see if anybody has any ideas. Good Luck!

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:31 pm
by buffee
yeah, so fat many views but no responses. I am even thinking of maybe something like a free standing divider......I need some ideas. normally men(at least the ones I have known in the past) are so good at coming up with the outlandish/creative thing to solve strange issues....I'm thinking those days are gone :lol: :lol: :lol:

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:30 pm
by Yanita

Well I am not a man but will give this a shot. I suppose you could do the accordion style doors if you can find them large enough to fit your first thought was something nicer looking and of course more money and labor intensive.

If I wanted to keep something out of the room, like my 4 cats I think I would frame in the areas and install doors.If you want light to still shine from room to room you could use something like french doors. These can sometimes be purchased at a Habitat for Humanity resale Store, sometimes Lowe's and Home Depot has them on sale cheaply from someone who ordered the wrong size.

It would not be a real difficult job...

Can I ask why you do not want them in the living room?

To stop my cats from climbing on top of the fridge, hutches or other high areas that I disapprove of I invested in a cat climbing tree. They are fairly cheap at Wal Mart, around $40.00...keeps all 4 cats entertained daily. Best of all keeps them from going where they don't belong.


RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:57 pm
by buffee
because they ruined 4,000 worth of furniture, and I just bought new things. They have 11 scratching trees, 5 posts and 700$ cat gym to claw yet they chose to destroy my furniture. They have full access to every other room in the house including their own room which is 3 times the size of my bedroom. I have tried no no spray, strobe lights, cat aarlms & nothing works. free standing room divider is now my only other option becuase declawing or death will never happen :lol:

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:14 pm
by Yanita
Well I did not mention declawing or death for your animals...just was curious as to why the no livingroom...

As for "free" standing, that is a big spand...


RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:20 am
by buffee
the declawing or death was a joke-----anyway I have found several places that have 72 inch tall & 48 inch wide(kitchen) 55 for the living room...both for 219$ which I think is way cheaper than having someone come in and actually try to permantely mount something....I have to have something that goes to the it took me a while but I think free standing room divders are the answer. They come as small as 2 feet wide all the way up to 12 feet wide and from 2 feet to 10 feet tall....there are many options. The ones I decided on are dark green for the lliving room and the pale green for the kitchen. Hopefgully it will be enough to keep them out of that room....we shall see :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:39 am
by peachlizzard
Buffee, I spose a child gate wont work? I don;'t have indoor animals, but maybe it would be a cheaper option? Or can they just jump right over them? I think the room dividers would look wonderful as would the french door idea. Especially if they have the etched or stained glass in them....good luck with your issue, I hope it works for you and if you can please send pics I love to see what people have done!

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:07 pm
by buffee
Yes I thought of a child's gate, but if they can jump up on an 8 foot stratching post--a child's gate---my cats would probaly chuckle :lol:
I am going with a free standing room divider thats cheaper////just solid color....I love the ones with prints on them, but I need TWO of them for two areas and anything with a print is like 450$-650$. The ones I am buying are 159$ each....I already spent over 400$ with all kinds of devices & sprays trying to do this, I wish I had thought of the divider before..... Out of the 6, only 3 of them are really naughty...but honestly they have the entire house and their own room...I do not thinks its a bad thing to have ONE room that is CAT FREE 8)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:43 pm
by flcruising
Not to sound insensitive...but enough would be enough if they continue to destroy things, especially after thousands of dollars worth.

Why do you feel that they shouldn't be confined to one room, instead of all but one? And why not declaw? Are they allowed outside? What's the use in claws if not?

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:58 pm
by buffee
Average life span of an outdoor cat is 8 years, the reason I own 6 cats is because some frickin moron thought it was ok to have a cat, ignore their health, not feed them and leave them outside. All of my cats are rescued abandoned animals, the 6th one I saved from torture and abuse. I WOULD NEVER DECLAW ANY ANIMAL EVER!!!!!!
Yes I care about my things, yeah it pisses me off they tore up my furniture, and sometimes I am fuming but I would never dump them outside, rip their nails out or lock them in one room because of it.....putting up a divider is much more humane. I gather you don;t have kids? :?:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:27 pm
by Teatime
Heh, I'm with Aaron. :)

I'm not a cat keeper but if I was and had cats doing that sort of damage, I think I'd build them a nice big cat house (LOL, no, not that kind!) outside and just bring a few in at a time when I wanted to play with them.

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:27 pm
by Yanita
Hi Buffee,

Could you post a link to what you ordered. I am thinking that if it is free standing the cats may be able to knock it over. I know mine would if they wanted to gain entry to somewhere that was once allowed and now prohibited.

I have 4 strictly inside furkids. I understand about the declawing...2 of my furkids are Javanese and very well behaved. I adopted them from a breeder. I also attained a male stray American Tabby short haired. Thankfully he has excellent house manners as well. Then comes "Salem" the adopted Tuxedo American short haired. I swear he is not the cat I adopted, or at least met at the Humane Society.

He has no house manners, well yeah he does. Thankfully he does not scratch on the furniture or climb the drapes.

When I get a new pet I always take them to all the scratch post and climbing trees, and press their paws into it so they can mark there arrival. Well Salem was stubborn or slow to day he thought the arm of the recliner was the place to scratch...I got a small tin can and put 3 marbles in it...every time he showed bad behavior I would rapidly shake the can. He changed his behavior very quickly. Now keep in mind he is not a little kitten, he is 8 months old. Have you tried this technique?

Look forward to seeing what you bought.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:28 pm
by flcruising
Actually, yes I have kid(s). One so far, another a fews months away.
I've owned cats before too.
I've worked for a veterinarian in my short life also.
No, I see nothing wrong with declawing indoor cats. I see nothing infeline (they're not humans, so can't be inhumane) about it, but that's me. You might as well say you won't get them fixed since it takes away their natural tendency to breed. Well living their whole lives couped up in a house is not natural either.

Not trying to argue with you, just giving my opinion. Claws are for a reason, but if they can't control their desire, or refuse to (stubborn cats), then I would not hesitate, since they obviously aren't using their claws for the reason God intended.

RE: Romm divider for mobile home

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:07 am
by Allen S
We have a indoor radio fence for our cat. It keeps him out of the den where our doggy door is located. Works great!