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Relocating a Doublewide

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:33 pm
by mrsq
I'm trying to find some land to relocate my doublewide home to. Easier said than done unless I want to buy 14 ac. :roll: It is a four year old caviler home. I have seen someone move a singlewide but with a doublewide do you have to move everything out of it appliances and such?. The person that moved the singlewide was able to leave much of their big items inside.

I was also wondering how long does it take to get it put back together typically. I would love to find land and put it on a foundation rather than blocks like it is now. I guess I am just trying to figure out what I am getting myself into moving it Thank you for any information

RE: Relocating a Doublewide

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:02 am
by Harry

What state are you in? How far are you moving the MH?

Around where I live they move homes short distances with the furniture in them but it is better if they are empty...of course.

To install the MH at the new site the property should be properly graded so water drains away from the home. You also need a septic system and power. Once that is done the 2 halfs can be joined in one day. The roof, siding, electric, plumbing and interior can take another day.

Be sure you use licensed and insured installers. Be sure you pull all the necessary permits.

Around here a correct move could run $4,000.00 to $8,000.00 depending.

Here are some more cost estimates you would have where I live:

Item Cost
septic system $3,000.00
power pole & hookup $1,500.00
grade land $3,000.00
well $3,600.00
permit $1,000.00
impact fee $7,000.00
Total $19,100.00


RE: Relocating a Doublewide

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:16 pm
by mrsq
Thanks for the reply. I am in MS and will be moving as far away as 60 miles. I still have not found any land so I am just looking at the price right now. The price list was helpful. Thanks again

P.S... What is an impact fee?

RE: Relocating a Doublewide

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:55 pm
by Yanita

I am going to move this to the OFF TOPIC forum as it is not about repairs...just gathering info.

Thanks Yanita

RE: Relocating a Doublewide

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:13 pm
by Harry

Impact fee - is a fee that is implemented by the county on a new development (residence and business) to help assist or pay for a portion of the costs that the new development may cause such as roads, water sewage schools. Each Florida county has a different fee payable when you pull the building permit.

You may not have one at all.
