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2009 single wide first home buyer help!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:08 pm
by xvwowxv
Hello guys! new to the forums and have a few questions. Me and my fiance are trying to get out of my parents house and are looking at a new MH in a park for our first home due to it being affordable. We would like to purchase a new one due to obvious reasons.

The MH is relatively small, which bothers us, but is the only home in the park with a yard and driveway lol. As a new MH buyer, could someone give me a rundown of the problems we might have in the near future? The park owner has told me that the materials aren't cheaply made, like all wood cabinets and such, but as a police officer I only believe so much lol. Any suggestions would be great!

RE: 2009 single wide first home buyer help!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:27 pm
by Teatime
I'm just going to give you my opinion so take it for what it's worth but you'll get more bang for your buck, I think, NOT buying a new one. I debated this very thing a couple of years ago and it just made a heckuva lot more sense to me to buy a foreclosure. New homes are awfully pricey and depreciate in value.

I was close to buying a foreclosed home the MH dealer had on the lot. It was a huge single wide in FAB condition with a really big and gorgeous kitchen (lots of woodwork, wine racks, beautiful island, you name it), big sunken living room with a stone fireplace, super MB suite that was entered by stepping up and going through custom doors, you get the idea. The price of this home was $35K. And I would have bought it EXCEPT I found a foreclosed double-wide on its own land with a carport, shed, etc. for $29K.

There are a whole lot of bargains out there and you don't have to live in a MH park (and pay lot rent). I can understand wanting something brand new but you'll pay dearly for it when you can actually get a better home for less money.

Again, just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:34 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. Yanita has a sticky post on buying a used home, but many of the same things apply to a new home also.

You could also look the list over and be armed with information to look at a few good used homes, there are many good used homes out there that can save you money. Greg