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Upsurge in MH interest?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:01 pm
by Teatime
In my neighborhood, I've noticed some positive changes occurring. The few properties/lots that have been empty have been sold and new MHs set up.

Another gentleman is looking to invest in the neighborhood. He stopped by to talk with me when I was outside. He bought two homes with their land and has apparently sold them. (The For Sale signs are down.) A new family moved into one and contractors were repainting and making improvements on the second one. The homes weren't on the market for very long! The gentleman asked me about the vacant double lot next to mine because he really wants to buy it. I know the woman who owns it and she's not looking to sell. (Good, because I like having the empty land next to me -- she takes good care of the property!)

I'm wondering if this is just a local thing or if people in other areas are turning more to MHs for nice, affordable housing?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:24 pm
by Mark
The couple of dealers I've talked to said they are holding their own although manufactured homes are once again being cheered as affordable housing. None sounded like they are seeing a surge in business, but then again, where I live the economy has been pretty good compared to other parts of the country.

Otherwise your report is good news. There's a whole lot of bargains out there right now, and once people start realizing that now is a big buying opportunity, it'll hopefully bottom out this economy and head us back up as people start scrambling to be the first to buy.

Speaking of buying opportunity, I'd sure like to find that perfect camper at about the $2,000 range. Around here that probably won't happen, but if I was willing to travel, I'm sure I could find a good buy.


RE: Upsurge in MH interest?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:35 am
by Teatime
Actually, the economy here is pretty good here, too, and homes are very affordable. I'm wondering if MH financing (through the dealers) is easier to get for average folks with imperfect credit since the banks won't lend.

Check listings in West Texas, Mark. Prices are good here. Can't help you with a camper but a neighbor is selling a nice-looking boat for $1,500. He says there's nothing wrong with it but he doesn't have time for boating anymore. I'm not sure if he's sold it yet.

I'm delighted with the interest in the neighborhood! Most folks here take good care of their homes/properties. We only have a few MHs that need some major improvements. I think it helps that folks own the land, too, and the lots are city-sized, not tiny.


Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:03 pm
by Dean3
So far the folks I help with setting/finishing(DW/texture/etc)haven't informed Me of more than the 2 new homes they have on order for Spring here in NE IA,last year the owner/dealer sold a few in neighboring states in part to keep His guys and Me as busy as He could,otherwise last year would have been even more "lean" than it was! I have noticed some existing homes with "SOLD" attached to their adds tho..I have to wonder if the many empty homes around the country will lessen the new home sales,,,well,,of course they will,,question is just "how much?".

I just completed 1/2 of the upstairs of a very involved interior painting job in an older farmhouse,,,and,,,very very happy to have the work,,no mistake there! The owner(seems very nice)isn't real thrilled to spend the money on it but His GF sounds kinda,,ummm,,hard to please and insistant to spiff it up. I wanna actually meet Her so I know *exactly* what rock and hard place I am between! I came straight out and explained this to Him but haven't got to meet Her yet..My "suspicious side" is saying,,He could be playing good-cop bad-cop all by Himself!! LOL,,trying to get the highest quality for the lowest price on a job that has multiple colors and sheens with every bit of old woodwork prepped and painted too. I am more than happy to do it nice and for a good price,,but,,if I feel I'm being snookered in any way,,,it's only gonna hurt the one trying to snooker Me,,,no mistake there either! :D

I have taken a poll of sorts on My familie's wesite and so far there has been one plant closing coming in 2 months,My Son has had 2 three week layoffs this winter,My Sis that has been at John Deere for 30 years has wage freeze but job looks good,My Bro at a metal fab factory is in good shape but the company is weeding out some bad ones,My Bro that is Inspector at an elctronics place is basically in the same boat as other Bro,My nieces in a variety of different jobs from insurance sales to bank teller are in good shape,My Nephew in law that works for Caterpillar in management is getting a 1 week layoff soon,,My Nephew that works roofing might have been fired or layed off it's hard to tell with Him,My Bro in law in construction is layed off for the 1st time in 20 years,My sis in law at a bank is secure,,and finally,My Nephew in law that is an Accountant/Lawyer is very secure! Geez,imagine that in this economic upheaval!! LOL..

Sorry this got so long but I'm thinking My family is prolly doin right around average for these times.


RE: Upsurge in MH interest?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:36 pm
by sd0321
Not to do with the topic of upsurge in MH interest, but in reference to Mark mentioning finding a camper? You live here Mark, so maybe already looked at Jack's Campers in Mitchell: ... -) Sherry

RE: Upsurge in MH interest?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:42 pm
by DigitalDreams
Just another suggestion mark craigslist has had a lot of them on it here in minnesota lately maybe cause the newly unemployed cant afford to pull them or just upgrading have found some good buys there from time to time.