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How important is landscaping when trying to sell a home?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:39 am
by gnipacsdnal
What do you think? Is it that important?

RE: How important is landscaping when trying to sell a home?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:08 am
by mrsq
We have spent much of the past year house hunting and at least for us I would say it was not a selling point. As long as it did not look like maintains had been put off on the home I could handle it looking bare.
If your listing your home on like the MLS or other website having a nice neat front will get more attention I'm sure. Some homes we looked at had so much landscape and ''stuff'' going on in the yard it was actually a turn off.

RE: How important is landscaping when trying to sell a home?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:07 am
by Yanita
Personally landscaping is a big eye catcher to me...people that maintain a nice looking yard seem to be more inclined to care for other things as well.

Nothing has to be over done, but something does have to be done. A mobile home that has the appearance of just being "set into" place is very unappealing.

A mud/dirt path from the car to the entrance is shabby compared to a concrete/paver walkway.

Same with a can have a dirt/gravel driveway but is it clearly defined from the lawn????

JMO and things I clearly looked for when purchasing my homes throughout the years.


RE: How important is landscaping when trying to sell a home?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:58 pm
by Teatime
I totally agree with Yanita. To me, landscaping says this house is home and it's loved.

When I was torn between buying a new MH or purchasing this existing MH offered by a real estate agent, it was the landscaping that turned my heart. The previous owners had installed fencing around both the front and back yards, with a gate and archway between the two, a water feature in the backyard, and they built a covered bench with planters on each side containing annuals that are blooming for me, too! They also installed trellis on the posts for the carport and planted honeysuckle, which blooms beautifully and attracts scores of hummingbirds!

It was nice for me to know that the previous owners loved this home and I now love it, too. I appreciate how well they cared for the property, inside and out, and it was a big selling point for me.