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I told ya so!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:03 pm
by Jim from Canada
I am sure that some people have heard me rant on about our park and the lack of action by the land owner to clean it up (or to do anything else). Today we had a bit of a wind and this is the result on one of the homes.

Something should have been done years ago...totally rotted, and the by-law officer was just here thursday, with the landlord. The owner of this unit chased them off the property and the landlord cowed under.

A toad a so! (Ricky, from TPB)


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:17 am
by Dean3
Well,,there's an open lot for rent! :)

What an effin mess! Almost looks like fire damage!

Must be a real nutcase that lives/lived there,landlords usually grow some thick skin after a while.. My place has it's probs but it has withstood some straightline winds and numerous storms since I set it up a few years back.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:30 am
by Jim from Canada
the other side of this unit is sided with a tarp

RE: I told ya so!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:49 am
by Yanita
Wow, that is a mess. I am surprised to see that there is no wall sheating under that vinyl..seems there would be for the zone that you are in.

Are you and the Mrs. still looking for land?


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:06 pm
by Dean3
A tarp? as permanent? Sheesh!

Sheething and tyvek would make good sense where summer is only 2 months or so.

Looking at the roof edge it drops down from about the window all the way to left of pic,,,wonder if the wind knocked/wiggled it off the piers/blocking on that end then the wind took the vinyl that unlocked? also,if no piers below frost,maybe that contributed,dunno how the frost depth is doing that far north,here in Iowa it's leaving Us fast.

Maybe crazymanrenter will reblock it up and tarp this side too?!?!?!


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:22 pm
by Jim from Canada
well I don't think he will do anything about the level or rot. I would think he will tack something up and call it done. The landlord will just accept it knowing that jerk. The fire dept. came out and said they were going to report the state of the place to the municipality. I don't know if that will go anywhere either. The guy's father owns the local golf course, and because of his name can get away with stuff.
Yes, we are still looking for land, or something. Everything is up in the air due to my work injury and how WSIB is handling it, so we are in a bit of a confused state as to what to do about moving etc. They are going to send me back to school, for what, I don't know yet. Still thinking of going the alternative energy route. Not sure though. lol.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:40 pm
by Greg
It looks like a good donation to your local Fire Dept. Bring your own marshmellows!! Greg

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:53 pm
by Dean3
Hey Jim;;Being so far north,if Ya took alt energy school,,,then,,develope a way to get electric energy from snow/cold You'd be a Billionaire in no time!! Never know,might work!?!?

Genius-boy/smarta$$ ain't I some days? :) JK..

Ahhh,I see,,the guy is livin off Daddy's dime and Daddy don't like the fact He's a lazy a$$ so He lets Him live in a rundown house!!..How close is My guess? Does "tarpboy" work?


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:06 pm
by Jim from Canada
way off, family would love for him to be out of there. This is his chosen lifestyle. He is a little "different" than most folks. The golf course is trying to get the Canadian Open to be played there every year. There is no lack of work ethic. Just thinks "different". Like about 11 eggs short of a dozen, but not stupid either. Also, we are not that far north, relatively speaking. We are farther south than Washingto, Oregon, Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho. About the same latitude as Milwaukee. Frost heave did piles of damage around here this year, but to only those who have not cared for their place (about 1/2 of them).
Greg: I don't think they would want it, they turned one down already. The landlord owns it and had some people in to try and lift one of the interior walls off the ground (yes, literally, the wall went through the floor to the ground). The dept. of labour came in and declared it an unsafe work site due to the amount of mold. It sits on the lot now, doors and windows open, as it has all winter. Has some racoons and a skunk as tenants now. I don't know how this keeps going on and nothing gets done about it, I gave up fighting. Costs too much to fight, and no one cares (municipality, Dept. of Health, Ministry of Environment, Police, Town, courts, Tenant Board, etc). Thus, we wish to move. How, where and when are questions to be answered yet.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:24 pm
by Greg
Well, lightning could always strike it (in a few places), and there could be a delay in calling the fire dept. Greg

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:35 pm
by Jim from Canada
oh, I've thought that, and much more. The problem with being a decent, law abiding, upstanding citizen, is that it prevents you from doing such things. In the mean time, no one whose job it is to help or enforce, can't or won't. It was suggested to Sally, when she was looking for work, to take her address off her resume because of this place's reputation. It is just time for us to leave here. Hope we can take the home with us. We have put so much into it to see it go down with the rest.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:56 pm
by Dean3
Oh,,heck,,He works but just thinks differently!?! Other than the house falling down,,,,He's Me!!!! LOL!

Greg,I realize Yer kiddin,,maybe;"Lightning strike twice" I've heard,,critters as "tenants" could knock over chemicals that combust when mixed,,kids play with matches,,yada yada,,etc.. Of course the penalties for arson could be pretty stiff up there,,You(Jim)prolly are on the right tack,just move and be done with it,,,,,good idea.

This makes Me glad to be in a tiny park wich has it's probs but,,all-in-all,,ain't so bad[knock wood]..


Just got back from the neighbor's(beertime),Her new BF-type guy has a powered lawn sweeper/dethatcher!! I'm trying to set Him up with the park owner to get this damnable gravel *out* of the lawns here,,so far-so good.With luck I won't have to pay a penny but I will if needed. I *abhore* gravel in the grass.


RE: I told ya so!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:05 am
by Greg S
Strange how some people think.
In my park some residents complain park rules and appearance standards are too strictly enforced.

Unfortunately we also have a tenant similar to this one and it is very difficult even for park owners that care about the appearance of the property to enforce standards as a result of the Ontario Residential Tenancy Act and the Landlord Tenant Board.

Those two agencies tend to work against tenants and landlords, unfortunately, depending on the issue at hand.
The reality is the landlord will have as much difficulty getting rid of a tenant like this as you are having (if he cared to try).