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Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:06 pm
by Dean3
I got a wicked buzz workin,,and,,I'm hungry..aaaalllllll My bread iz frozen!! Aaarrgghh!

Talk about "*cold*" sandwiches!! :lol: :roll: :? :shock: :lol:


Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:34 pm
by DigitalDreams
Dean 1 word (microwave)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:47 pm
by Dean3
:D ,,Hi Digital..

Had a time of it before-during and after visiting the farm. Drinking beer,inspecting ground for tobacco(lotsa rocks for them to move),beer,playing(and breaking)darts,drinking beer,talking about tillers,drinking beer,dropped off some seedlings for them to play with,more beer,dropped off some fertilizer water,,yep beer,looked at outbuildings for drying,then,,got down to some serious beer guzzlin..My driver didn't seem to mind at all,We all had fun. 24 of the beers were 6% ABV,,,the rest 3.2 ABV,,yep,,fun. Not a drop of fighting or even bickering,,just a good old fashioned time..

This weekend went way too fast,now it's back to work tomorrow.


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:52 pm
by DigitalDreams
On second thought I retract that one word
Electrical objects and large quantity's of lager don't mix
I replace that one word with
1:Quik Trip
Safety First!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:56 pm
by Dean3
Down here in the underworld(Iowa)it's called "Kwik Star" for some dumb copywrite reason,,LOL,,but Yer right!!.I just breathed through the frozen bread till it thawed,,with so much "antifreeze" in Me it was a quick operation to make some sandwiches. The knife to cut the summer sausage could been bad tho!!

The laptop is low voltage so I was safe enough from electrical zappin while posting to the forum anyhow!

I didn't mess with anything else 'ceptin the spray bottles to water My bacco seedlings,,then,,the pillow fer under My little brainpan! :D Thanks for caring tho.


Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:51 pm
by DigitalDreams
What do you mean the underworld , I grew up there and when I went in the service people kept asking me what part of Canada that was.I mean all the best people come from Iowa they just don't admit to it.

And where did you get the 6% did you sneak across the border again or did you just water down the whiskey.
And low voltage in Iowa is anything less than wizzing on a electric fence.

You realize you get a trend started growin tabacy in Iowa and they will have to put back up the old signs at the border(Iowa a place to Grow).

Well enough for now gonna go back and watch tv on the sowfu.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:45 pm
by Dean3
Ohhhh Digital,,it's the *UNDER*world alright if there ever was one--under paid,under apreciated,under thumbs,under severe weather,under Minnesota(LOL true enuff),under attack cause Ya can't leave and admit You came from here,,,,and,,finally,,under scrutiny come elction time as "forecast state",,,,go figger dat stuff all in one lump(AKA "the big picture").

I'm sure I forgot/neglected plenty of "unders" but what the heck,,that's just life..As long as I stay here I'm happy to be in the NE part,,,,fine country(just like SE MN)and no mistake there..

I'll just live until I die,,wherever that may be.

Maybe someday We'll meet for a dab of homemade snuss/snuff(I don't chew)or a smoke and a beer.:)


PS- Forgot to ask,,what's "sowfu"?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:03 am
by Dean3
"6%",,it's Steel Reserve and not bad considering it's not a dark beer,,not too pricey either.



Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:50 pm
by DigitalDreams
You mean there is another beer besides dark beer, I thought the last
light beer died with the pickets brewery at Dubuque.Killeans Red for me and my clan.

Oh by the way my wife says I've lived long enough in Minnesota to be classified as a reformed Iowegan.

And yes I moved north cause I to wanted to escape the underworld
(under employed,underpaid,and my ex).All my ex's live in well you know the rest of it.And you know what you get when you say Iowa Backwards dean.More confused thats why we drink.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:08 am
by Dean3
It's been months since I had one but I like Negra Modello,last one I had was in Faribault MN. I do enjoy a Heineken or 2(or more :) ) also.

Uh oh,,there Ya go with the Iowa jokes,,LOL..

Why don't the MN Vikings eat cereal for breakfast? Answer; Every time they get near a bowl,they choke.

Jokes aside,both SE MN and NE IA have some nice hills/woods/rivers and some very fine people.



Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:46 pm
by DigitalDreams
Choke isn't the right word dean it's more like dive in head first with no helmet. Thats my biggest joy about being from Iowa is that we can root for who's winning cause we got no pro teams.But is fun to watch vikes start at top and slide down hill.And if you miss a game you know
that you really didn't miss anything.

Ya kinda like minnesota nice, 4 guys all stopped at a 4 way stop arguing who should go first.Never have got over that in Iowa we just don't put stop signs one way, cuts the arguing in half.

Well got of early for easter ,so gonna go find me a rabbit that lays
chocolate eggs and make me a omlete.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:21 pm
by Dean3
Yepper,I usually root for broken bones and and/or concussions(not really folks),unless,My KC Chiefs are playin,,yessir Ya heard right,I'm a Chiefs fan(fairweather fan tho)since about 1970 or therebouts. Hasn't been much to cheer about since Derek Thomas passed-on and then Marty Shottenheimer and Neil Smith left.

You been watchin willy Wonka again Digital? :D ,chocolate eggs? ,I bet I see a few of those at the family easter gig tomorrow.

I primed then caulked 3 more seedling boxes,by 6:00 I can slap a couple thick coats of Super Paint on them. So far they just serve as shelves for the seedlings. Salvaged two 33yo stud cavities with paneling on 1 side and beefed em up,then built 2 wider ones from some old waterbed particle board and new 2x4s,as long as water never gets to the screws they'll be fine,,,I shoulda used deck screws on the better boxes.Paid big money for the primer/paint but the paint is the same as My siding so I will have other uses for that.



Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:25 pm
by DigitalDreams
Yea dean already workin on getting the glass for green house had conversation with glass man at 9:30 last night and gonna start building it this summer attached to house with solar water storage tanks to back of it.

Don't have to build pots ,I can pour them, bought out about 5 ceramics shops in last 5 years and got molds for almost any pot I want except the poo pots.

And no I haven't been watchin willy wonka.
Like most people who grew up in farm land I'm still tryin to wrap my brain around what rabbits and eggs have in common other than both taste good in meals.And who the idiot was that came up with the bunny and chocolate egg idea.Mind you I like chocolate and don't mind eggs just can't seem to associate them with rabbits.Now raisins on the other hand!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:38 pm
by Dean3
Cool! No,I mean "warm",,the greenhouse idea that is. No poo pots huh Digital? :) I don't blame Ya there.

Hehhhh hehhhh,,never knew rabbits to mess around layin eggs either,,but,,did know a cute little chickie named Bunny. :D

I bet "raisins" are good fertilizer,it's too bad the wascooy wabbits wanna eat the very plants they fertilize!,,We have a few here but I've been hearing our neighborhood owls for a while now so woe be it to varmints.

Kinda funny tho,,if Ya see a wild rabbit Ya say "lookit the rabbit",,If Ya have a garden Ya say "&@$!*% varmint!".

And Ya know what,saw hundreds of plastic easter eggs today at our family gig,,,but not one chocolate wabbit egg..Dinner and cheesecake was good tho.



Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:25 pm
by DigitalDreams
Don't feel bad about smokin, I chew even tho I quite smokin in 1985 and brilliant man once said, life, no ones gettin out of it alive, anyway so I don't worry,cause I figure just like everyone before me I'm gonna die just don't know when.

(Alfred E Numan)said What me Worry.
Always figured life is really just a extended issue of mad magazine.

And everything I ever needed to know in life I learned from Star Trek.

Ok so they haven't caught me yet and I wiggled out of the white coat
but so did a lot of my friends.

And I agree with I think it was Greg quitin smokin is a lot easier than chewin cause I tried the patchs and all I did was need more patchs.
Tried the gum and dang near busted my jaw tryin to get enough nicotine.
Haven't tried the nicotine lozenges yet but figure when I decide to quit chewin i'll do it just like I did smokin (just stop and not start again)

But I applaud those who stop and never start again.