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Window Washing

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:35 pm
by solveg
I thought I saw a post on this in the archives, but now I can't find it.

I swear* my windows don't come apart to get washed. I asked the guy who is going to put on my skirting, and he said to push up, which sounded* right based on my other experiences with double hungs, but the top part of the window seems to be in a track with no hole in the track to pull them out. The storms are under these... can't get to them. The screen* is behind all the above, and I don't know how to get it out to fix the holes.

There is a metal frame around it all with little lugs.

I read about cleaning the space between with a squeegee, but it didn't do a very good job, and I don't even think this will work on the above window I described.

What's the trick?

Thanks. Sorry for all these needy questions, but I warned you!


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:33 pm
by Handweaving
After I lift my window up some I slide one side much higher and take it out sideways.
The outside windows I can lift out with a screw driver or something to get under the window pane and lift it up and pull it out into the room.
My screens just lift out from the bottom (outside) with a screw driver (or similar weapon) to lift it a little and it will be evident how to pull it out. Great security, huh!
This is how I do my new windows. Hope this is of some help.
Now that I have an upload picture button I wish I had a picture to send.

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:35 pm
by Maureen
Hi Solveg,

Have you tried approaching the window cleaning from the inside? I'm not exactly sure what type of windows you have, but in most 1980's homes, the storms were on the inside and had little clips that held them in place. Just slide the clips one way or the other and the storms should come out easily.

If they don't and you still can't remove the screens, it could be that they are stuck in there. Maybe try running a hose over them for some time.

I'm sure that others will have ideas to share with you!

Maureen 8)

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:46 am
by Yanita

From the inside raise the lower window and slide one corner up further than the other and they should come right out, as stated above post.

The top window is generally in a fixed position if you have the standard MH windows. It appears as though it is in a solid frame.
For this one put one hand flat against the inside and reach in between the upper 2 windows with the other hand flat to the inside of the window. Push up a little and it should release from the lower frame.

Do the same with the 2 exterior windows, although my top exterior window was not removable, at least not that I could ever figure out.

Removing the screens was mentioned also in an above post.

Have fun,


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:01 am
by solveg
Yanita, I raced in to try it, but to no avail. If I read that right, you're talking about the top half of the window (bottom half comes out easily) from the inside of the trailer. I sandwich the glass with my palms and it releases somehow from the frame?

It just has no movement, and the interior frame seems to be a permanent barrier?

I'm tyring to figure out how to upload a photo here... maybe it's not mac friendly because I don't have an alt button?

Sometimes everything* just acts bucky.



RE: Window Washing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:37 am
by solveg
OK, I put a photo up of it in my gallery, if anyone would be so kind as to take a look.


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:09 am
by Guest
I just had the same problem a while back with windows that look similar to yer pic. I had to take the storm windows off in order to clean em. It was kinda scary till I got the first one done, after that it was no problem. I just took a razor and made sure any paint that was sticking to the frame wouldn’t come off when I pulled the frame loose. Removed all the screws with my square screwdriver. This next part is what scared me, when they installed the storms they used a airnailer in 2 spots on each (I guess to hold em in place till they could screw em in) I took my little pry bar to pry just a little bit on the side frame till I could get a hold of the nail head from the face. Pulled the nails out, leaving a teenie hole I could live with. That’s it, storm popped right out, no caulk behind it or anything. Washed the windows, put on some 35% window film and screwed the storm back in place. Kinda wish it was harder cause after I did the first one, every one in the house got done. Next time will be even easier cause I won't have to mess with the nails. Hope it helps.

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:31 am
by Yanita
Hi again,

Sorry for the major delay, somehow I keep missing post. Guess I need to slow down some.

Anyways I checked out your photo, and unfortunately those are not the same type I had in my other home.

I am going to send out a couple pleas for help via email and see if I can not get you some help. I would think these things come apart with the need to physically remove the entire window.


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:40 am
by iafirebuff
Your windows look similar to mine. What I do to remove the inside top pane is to firmly grasp the lower edge just above where if slide into the metal piece, and then slide it straight up. It will move about 1/2 inch or so and that is far enough to then remove the pane. I can then clean the inside of the outer storm (the non removeable part) with ease. If your house is not level, the windows might have a hard time coming out or they might not at all.

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:15 pm
by solveg
I just had the crew that is doing my skirting look at it, and he said it doesn't come apart.... I have to take the whole frame off from the outside.

The upper pain of the window moves no more than 1/16 of an inch up, but there's no place it can come into the room. There is a track seemingly all the way around.

Is it really possible that someone would make windows you can't clean???

Surely someone here has encountered these windows.... or maybe everyone just replaces them right off the bat.

My underbelly has a lot of damage, but I just don't how much work to put into this place. I'm only here about 3 months out of the year, and I don't know if I'll even be here for more than a few years. I certainly won't get my money out of all these repairs....

I got 2 new doors today! Very cool.


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:07 pm
by JD
If I had to remove a window to clean in between, I would definitely remove the inside window.

A low enough deductible, a rock and insurance company could clean that window real good. No, I didn't say that!


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:37 pm
by Greg
From what I can see from the picture, you may indeed need to pull the whole frame off to get the window out. I think JD may be right stones do a wonderful job, makes them look nice & clean. Greg

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:09 pm
by Yanita

Guess I will not call either Greg or JD to clean my windows.

Well Solveg it appears that the only way to do this is to remove the interior set of windows. Man I sure would hate the process a couple times a year.

Good luck!


RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:57 pm
by Greg
To me it almost looks like the windows were originally the type that were held in with the plastic tabs that you turn to remove the window. Greg

RE: Window Washing

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:39 pm
by solveg

I might just be emailing you for help on this one.....scary, scary. I'm just worried I won't be able to get them back together....
