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duct problems

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:11 pm
by Polkguy
I live in a 2000sf MH (Fleetwood) that is 13 yrs old with the original 3 ton air conditioning unit. Last year I noticed that I had some insulation building up inside the air conditioning vents. We had an infestation of field mice and I assume that they have damaged the ducts in the ceiling.
How does one get these ducts repaired and who should I contact? Our utility bill is running around $500/mth and the house is hot...near 85 degrees.
Should I get new ducts underneath, get window units or what? Replacing the unit won't help if the ducts have holes in them. Cold air is coming out of the vents but there is no flow per SE.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
at a loss here

RE: duct problems

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:03 am
by CraigE
I am currently having the same problem but my ducts are under my floors. If you get a chance read my thread Duct Replacement. These guys have been good help here because there is not alot of info out there on mobile home duct work. One thing is that if there is ever a critter problem flex duct work does not seem to be the way to go.

RE: duct problems

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:53 pm
by Robert
Hi Martin,

When this arises with ceiling registers, things get dicey and pricey.

Find a good hvac contractor with MH experience first.

Then you can determine the course of action.

Replace furnace with a downflow and install ductwork or install ductwork and a packaged unit outside or cut open ceiling and replace and repair ceiling.

All are costly and tough jobs.

I would greatly consider an outside packaged unit with trunklines underneath home with branch take offs out and up to newly installed floor registers.

Going to take lots of research, homework and consulting to decide best route to take here.
