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Want to see something scary???

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:58 am
by sherrybwc
Hello all!

I just uploaded some pics to my album of the after-effects of the storms that rolled through my area on 4/10/09.

I don't know if they'll stay in the order I put them in, but to see them in sequence, they're numbered 10Apr09-a through f.

I was standing in my open front door when this happened and, needless to say, it scared the CRAP out of me! I really didn't think that, at almost 50, I could still move as fast as I did!

BTW, I posted in landscaping because this is what spurred me to finally get serious about landscaping my place. I just got started, so I don't have any landscaping pics to show yet, but will post as we go.


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:09 am
by ms vg
WOW! That would have scared me too.

You are sooooooooo fortunate the damage wasn't worse. Glad you are alright!

On a brighter note...what's your landscaping plan?


RE: Want to see something scary???

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:00 am
by sherrybwc
Lucky...oh yeah!!!!

With regard to my landscaping plans...I'll let you know as soon as I get the 36 sections of the trunk split/stacked! :shock:

We removed all of the limbs and other debris and then cut the main truck into these sections with the intention of using our fireplace this year for the first time since we bought the home in 2000.

Once the logs are out of the way, what I "think" want to do for starters is build raised beds directly in front of the house and put in some informal shrubbery and perennials. What I'm not so sure about are the raised feels like the thing to do but I'm not totally committed to the idea yet.

Updates to follow soon...


***edited for trying to spell correctly in the wee hours of the morning!