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Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:34 am
by Jim from Canada
We need a sticky for all electrical and gas threads that reads: Call a qualified professional, lol. I see the topic still comes up quite often, and I wouldn't like to see anyone in the family getting themselves hurt or worse.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:28 pm
by Greg
Jim, A sticky is only half of the answer and would only work if it prevented the original post. My major concern is when a well meaning poster answers the question after it is posted with enough information to get someone in trouble, that is why we lock the topic as soon as we see it. Greg

RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:10 pm
by Greg S
Why only electrical and gas. What about giving advice about working on a roof or leveling a home. These activities could also get individuals seriously injured.

It would be far better in my opinion,considering the simplicity of the questions asked, to direct the individuals to a question and answer DIY site for them to investigate first rather than simply shutting them down as you usually do by suggesting they contact a high priced electrician.

Your usual response on even the most basic questions implies that home electrical is not a DIY project when in fact it often is.

Ok, don't give advice, redirect them to info that does not cost money and they can decide for themselves the best course of action.
That would at least be somewhat helpful.

RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:23 pm
by JD
Greg S - I would say that the reason that the owner and moderators of chose not to pursue topics of electrical and natural/propane gas is the same reason that some forums choose to pursue those topics. Because it was their decision to make. This decision comes from many years of experience in working in the trades as well as operating this web site.

Put "DIY electrical forum" or "DIY natural gas forum" in a search engine, and you should be able to find plenty of web sites to get information from. Finding a source of quality information will be on the viewer. On a side note, (Samurai Appliance Repair Man rocks!)

All repairs on homes dealing with water damage, power tools and other implements of destruction will have a degree of danger. But DIY gas and electrical repairs with little or no experience is another level of dangerous, compared to roofing, framing, plumbing etc.

I hope you can accept our stand on this issue and we look forward to your posts here at the forum. And thanks Jim. I bet there is a sticky coming.


RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:20 pm
by CraigE
I have recently been doing alot of research on HVAC because I love DIY. Hence how I found you guys. The HVAC Talk is all about everthing you want to know about AC.

But and it is a big but (NO DIY) absolutely. (Period)
It is mainly for them to talk amongst themselves. Most of the them are very nice when the accosional DIYer slips in. Many times they try to help but mainly on where to seek help. Most of the time the adminstrator will shut the post down.

All of this said with a quick search on that site there is wealth of OPINIONS on hvac and ductwork. Even on mobile homes!!

RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:32 pm
by CraigE
I know that I was comparing apples to oranges (electricity to HVAC) but if you read there site why no DIY you will understand what I was getting at.

RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:41 pm
by JD
Since an explanation has been made and this is more of a Web Site Forum topic and not a repair question, I am going to lock this post. I invite anyone to continue posts about this forum in Off Topic or the Web Site forum, whichever is appropriate.

I believe Jim from Canada posted his statement here because this is where the electrical questions come up and his post is appreciated.


RE: Mods: Need a sticky

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:27 pm
by Yanita
Hi All,

I to appreciate the question being asked, and the mention of posting a "stickie".

To answer why do we not leave a link or other information as to where to gain the knowledge, well to be quite honest I do not have the time to research every ones question. I guess I feel that the poster can research as easily as I can.

I can write up a "stickie", but that does not mean that the same electrical/gas questions will not arise. Stickies are only good when read and followed, few are.

Hope everyone has a great day!
