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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:45 am
by lar3140
I live in Deroche b.c. they are predicting a major flood, my mobile sits on blocks if it floods what would happen

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:13 am
by kashton
Are you anchored down? I know here in Terrace,B.C. It is mandatory for new trailers to be anchored, but of course, ours is old and not anchored. It is hard in Terrace to get flood insurance because of all the floods here. Check your policy.We have only one benefit. Our boot-room floor is framed in steel stud and is very heavy. If anything ever happens, we joke that at least we will still have that left. Our trailer is two feet off ground on concrete blocks. So I don't worry too much. The ground under may flood(which it has) but I pull off skirting, and place screens over to let it dry.

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:24 am
by kashton
About the anchors. If you have enough clearance under your trailer, you can dig a hole deep enough to completly cover a five gallon bucket. Fill the bucket with concrete and have one end of a very thick chain cured in the concrete. Put the chain around steel beam, and then use a padlock, or metal clasp to lock chain together. You would have to do at least four of these. Two front of trailer and two back. I think the mandatory here is one front and one back. Don't forget to bury the bucket when concrete cured.

I can't do mine from lack of space, and the fact that we are on the old river bed, and we have nothing but big rocks under our grass. Hard to dig a hole for anything.

Hope this helps.

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:24 pm
by Yanita
Well, let me ask this,

If the water rises to your home will the water just rise calmly or will it come like a stream or river.

Running water is a powerful element, and if your home is not anchored down it could very well be lifted from the piers that it sits on.

My best advice for you is if in doubt of what is going to happen then get out! Take whatever possessions you can take and leave. Be sure to get money and other supplies. Once you are without power there is a good chance that banks, stores, pharmacies and others will be also. If you have pets get their supplies as well.

I know you are thinking that I do not understand about leaving your home, and possibly coming back to nothing or at the least major me I am well aware of what a major flood can do. Back in 1999, Greenville, NC had a major flood from 2 hurricanes that came back to back!

Once flood waters enter your home you are in harms way, that water has already picked up alot of hazardous materials , gas, oil, chemicals from farm fields, acid from junk yards...please vacate if you can!

Please keep us posted!


PS...can't believe there are not codes in place for MH's to be anchored. If nothing else for the wind.

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:43 pm
by kashton
Like I said in another post, Terrace already knows the rivers, back channels and creeks are going to flood, but no-one has even started to prepare. It just amazes me! That is why we are up on concrete now. We used to be on logs. Floods and wood don't go together. Wood gets wet, trailer sinks into wood. Our trailer had sunk 4 inches by the time we bought it. I have a hose always on hand and a trench to divert water from under my trailer. My wonderful back neighbour lets his farm field flood, which in turn, causes problems for me.( especially when it comes to mosquitoes and stagnant water smells.)

Our water doesn't rush. Comes from the creek, and back channel way down at the end of the road. Thank God for that. But we still get the water. The creek behind the park is so full of old skids and wood from people dumping there, that I am worried about Troyster and his neighbours on that side. Water will rise faster there. He is only 4 places from the end and the last place has no back yard cause the creek is their back yard.

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:57 pm
by Yanita
Hi Kashton,

Even with the water just rising opposed to running, homes can sustain major damage. I was just responding as he asked the question.

Should any of you opt to stay in your homes, before the water rises to reach underneath your home please shutoff your electricity and gas if you have it.

Take care and will be thinking of all of you. BTDT! :shock:


RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:14 pm
by kashton

Is Deroche near Chilliwack? We heard up here that all of Chilliwack was gonna be under water and that they have started preparing. I would agree with Yanita, and be prepared to evac. I stopped to check the creek here today, and dispite the cold, the water is coming up. And, I was wrong. The city here has started building up the edge of the dike at both ends to help prevent flooding in the community along the river.

Hope you let us know what is Happening! Here is a site for B.C. flood info.

RE: flood

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:33 pm
by Greg
I wonder if it would be a good idea to remove some skirting to keep an on things and help in getting things dried out after the water drops.
Listen to Yanita, she an expert when it comes to evacuating quick. Good luck, Greg

RE: flood

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:03 pm
by Yanita
Hi Guys,

Just wondering how you folks are...if you are able please respond to's been 5 days since the original post and do not recall seeing any post from any of you!


RE: flood

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:33 pm
by kashton
Terrace is still OK, but lar3140 is close to the Fraser river were he lives. If you watch Canadian news, the Fraser river is already flooding in certain areas.
I'm hoping tomorrow is a clear day, so I can take pics to show of all the fresh snow on our mountains, and the level of the rivers so far. Way below seasonal temps right now, so when it gets hot, the rivers are gonna come up quick.

RE: flood

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:27 am
by Yanita
Hi Kashton,

Thanks for the response. Glad that so far everyone is still safe.

Here in the states the weather has been terrible as well. Fires, floods, tornadoes from one end of the country to the other.

We have a nor'easter just off the coast that has been there for days. It's raising heck with the beaches, flooding up thru the sounds and roads are closed. Yesterday we had wind gust around 45mph.

Feels like a cat 1 hurricane without the rain!

Oh Kashton, I did want to mention one thing you put in a earlier post.

You said your home is sitting on a concrete slab. That's great, but do not let it give you a false sense of security in a flood. Water can/will wash out the earth from under the concrete creating a sink hole and sometimes collapse. This is also why they say do not drive on roads that are covered with water.

Take care and keep us updated.


RE: flood

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:41 am
by kashton
Thanks Yanita.

I understand about the slabs too. Under my trailer is usually the first place to get the water. The park here was also built on the old river bed, and everyone says the River always finds its origin ground. My aunt has a pic from her parents of when the river used to flow right here.

Can't wait to see what happens to Walmart, with their wisdom of building right beside the river. They did the testing on how many years it would take for the bank of the river to wash away, but never anything about the river flooding.

It's supposed to be nice today, so maybe some pics later.

RE: flood

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:09 am
by Yanita
Sounds about like around here!

Back in 99 when many areas got flooded real bad the rivers got choked up with trees, fridges, what ever else floated down thru!

The river that runs thru this city is called the Tar River, might I add that it is appropriately named! Anyways, after the flood the EPA decided not to dredge the rivers, as the fish were spawning (LOL, suckers, and everything else not worth or safe enough to eat!)

Now the river bed is about 2 maybe 3 feet higher than it was before...floods quicker than it used to...for some reason we just can not get that thru to the officials that be to understand!

Keep us posted on the others, you seem to be in contact with them!

Have a good day!
