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Crickets! YIKES!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:01 am
by Mark440
I did a little remodeling in my laundry room - and re-routing the dryer exhaust required I crawl under the house. Holy Toledo! There were Jillions (with a capital "J"!) of those brown crickets on everything.

Of course the instinct is to kill'em! ..... but I had some concerns about spraying underneath and then the odors creeping up through the house - and of course the vapors would slither into my bedroom and kill me while I slept! :)

In any case, I can get under the house no problem - but staying under there while I spray that entire area doesn't sound like it would be too good for the lungs. I have a pump sprayer but I don't have a respirator. I can't get to this area without crawling under the house as the decking blocks direct access to the skirting.

Is it time to call out a service company and let them handle it?? I'm wide open for ideas!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:53 am
by Greg
Found this link for you, There is probably a nateral way way to get rid of them also. Greg

RE: Crickets! YIKES!

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:06 pm
by Harry

Really good fish bait.


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:42 am
by Brenda OH reregister
Hi Mark,

I found a gardening video that says crickets dislike strong smelling spices such as cinnamon, garlic, curry, black pepper, etc. if you can find a cheap spice that you like the scent of, maybe try that under the home. I did not see peppermint mentioned in that video, but I have heard spiders dislike peppermint.

they also are said to not like lavender plants, so a longer term plan would be to plant lavendar near the skirting....

hope that helps

Brenda (OH)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:34 am
by flcruising
I'd just use a can of bug fog. But once you kill them, you'll still have a jillion crickets, albeit dead. ;)

RE: Crickets! YIKES!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:47 am
by Brenda (OH)
I live where we get the 17 years locust, and you might want to drive some of the insects out before you bomb.

When the locust die off, we get quite a stench from the rotting bodies. not as bad as a dead animal, but definitely unpleasant.

Brenda (OH)