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Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:29 pm
by kamiller73
:wink: Image
Air Handler with A coil on top

Blower that water is dripping on and rusting out - notice electric wires

A coil above blower. Notice metal rack things on side like something suppose to go in there.. lol It's just sitting on the top not bolted down?!? If that matters...

Rusted A Coil - Left side..

Rusted A coil - Right side..

Here's a better picture of those rack things and the white pipe that the water is suppose to be going thru..

Hi guys.. I have come to yall for many things, but this is the first time I'm actually DESPERATE & REALLY NEEDING HELP... I have a coleman 3400-a816 split system - it was just a heat pump but a condenser coil (if that's the correct name for the A/C part added) was added to it even though it doesn't look good.. it works. Anyway, the coil sits above the blower and it's a downward flow system (which the filter just sits on top of that silver reynolds wrap looking cardboard box thing that surrounds the coil.

- First I guess I should say it's working and has been even though it's causing a flooding problem daily and at one point even flooded the ducts about a couple of inches - not sure how but that eventually dried up and hasn't done it since. :lol:

So a friend came over and said the white pipe (see pics) on the left hand side is what's suppose to drain the water that the condenser puts off and is probably plugged. He also said something about a drip pan being full which is where the waters coming from - even though I didn't know this much water could actually come off those coils, but when it's humid out I guess it does. :P Ok so sounded simple enough until I took a look in the darn thing and noticed 1) there is no pan with water overflowing or to drain :? and what water is there is dripping straight down onto the blower with wires a plenty :shock: and 2) the little area that the white pipe goes into looks totally rusted out :cry: . As does the coil itself (viewing it from the side - as seen in pictures above). Hopefully i'm making since here. So obviously it's leaking water because it's rusted out and if there's a rack just below coil (again see pics) that's where I think that pan is suppose to be. right?? :oops:

If anyone out there can help me with this I sure would be very greatful and say lots of prayers for you and yours. lol :D


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:16 pm
by Robert

The drain pan is what the drain line is connected to. The rack things are where the filter would go IF you had no a/c .

Drain line clogged, no trap in drain line, drain pan rusted out, a-coil dirty (freezing up and thawing out overflows pan), low refrigerant charge (same result as a-coil dirty) are the main reasons for what you have.
