dgat070bdc in a manufacturd home

Questions about repairs and parts for Coleman furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps for manufactured homes. Click here for Coleman parts.

Moderators: Greg, Mark

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:00 pm

I have a dgat070bdc that was converted over to propane as far as i know since it was installed. I just bought the home about a month ago.
When the furnace kicks on it will start the fan then glow orange then we get a flame. Wait a minute and it will start to click and sometimes the flame will go out.

We have replaced the flame sensor and it still does the same thing. You can smell propane when it is first started and it smells terrible outside when it starts you can smell the propane very strong out the flue.

When the main blower kicks on and the house starts to warm up usually the click will stop and no flame is lost. It is very random when the the clicking will start and stop.

The only things done to this unit where installing an electronic Thermostat on the wall and then the flame sensor. Could the Thermostat have caused this problem.

After the flame senor was installed it does appear to b ei nthe flame it is a good blue flame and we have not lost a flame except once in the last 48 hours however the clicking noise is still very random. Could it be a control box or a vlave? Also the sensor wire is yellow but looks to have been warm and turned brown in an area but only appears to be a very slight burn insulation is still is good shape and wire is strong.

Any help would be great i ahve to wake up every 4 hours or so to make sure my house is heated and so far the repair man for colemans is pretty busy right now.
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