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Front door weatherstripping

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:29 pm
by beanwabr
Hi, I'm rather new here and since my hubby does most of the work/repairs, I will probably sound like I have no clue what I'm talking about!

We have a 2002 doublewide; glass storm door and a wood inside door. In our living room (looking at what would be out), you can in places, see light, so I know it is not fitting properly. He has tried to adjust what I think must be a weatherstrip (with a screwdriver I believe) and that has only made it more light, plus our door is harder to lock (no problem with closing). Over the holidays someone commented on needing to weatherstrip it to help keep heat in; but dh said he doesn't exactly know how or what is needed to do this. What product should he get? Or is there an adjustment that could simply be made?

I appreciate any help - our electric bill is high enough now without this here adding to the expense! Thanks!

Re: Front door weatherstripping

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:44 pm
by Greg
Weather stripping is an cheap & easy install, Any hardware store, lowes, Home depot etc. will have what you need Just ask someone there to show you what they have.
The locking problem may be a result of ground heave ( frost in the ground). It can move your home slightly out of shape during cold weather. Some times if it is real bad you you may need to adjust the striker plates in the door jam for the winter. Greg

Re: Front door weatherstripping

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:00 pm
by Yanita

Weather stripping comes in rolls, various widths and thickness. The only tools you will need is a razor knife or pair of scissors to cut the neccesary length.

The striker plate is the thing that the lock slides into on the door jamb. Just thought I would clear this up as you said you have no idea...

Happy New year,
