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Old siding coming off...........

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:15 pm
by gram2logan
Well, we've started the process............old siding coming off - new siding going on! The only problem so far is where the current siding and roof meet. The roofing material kind of rolls over the siding. Hubby is cutting it off but it's a slow process.

This is one end of the house. The insulation is being replaced too (that old stuff is not much!)


This is the front corner by our bedroom.Image

We pulled out 3 big bushes at the corner (don't ask me what kind they were) and I like it much better. We still have to rake over the area and eventually plant grass.

Will post more pics tomorrow.

RE: Old siding coming off...........

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:22 pm
by Yanita
Hi Gram..

Will follow your progress through pics! Can not wait to see the finished project!

I love the spring time, everyone is doing projects.


RE: Old siding coming off...........

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:04 pm
by troyster
looking forward to more pics as your work progresses

RE: Old siding coming off...........

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:16 am
by Maureen
Hi Gram,

Yep, that's lot's of work, but well worth the end result!

I love Spring also! I just need to find time to get out and enjoy it some. No huge projects here this year. I'm still trying to find time to rework my irrigation system and plant my annuals and veggies.

I've been spending what little spare time I have installing the Drip Stops in the older folks, single mothers and those on fixed incomes, homes. What a remarkable product! I know that plumbers most likely aren't crazy about it, but those with little income are just thrilled! They get working faucets back and a lower water bill! How cool is that? I've seen some really old, and cruddy faucets come back to life over the last 2 weeks.

Anyway Gram, I'll look forward to the photo updates! Your home will be beautiful in no time at all!

Maureen 8)