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furnace doesnot liht every time

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:44 pm
by fafuentesc
Please help me
My furnace work good for about 4 min and go doww.without any foult code
I shut dow the energy and turn on again and the ignitor going red, but when the gas coming only stay on for half second. and the mesage for PS stuck closed coming. make the same put in out the energy and start again , but ignitor going red but when the gas coming i hear like doble click and the gas do no come and de code for PS closed again
I change the PS and clean the flame detector, but wait for two hors and the problem happen exactly again like was described
Please help me

Re: furnace doesnot liht every time

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:59 pm
by Robert

Could be several things from pressure switch, tubes, combustion motor, cobustion air pipe damage/clogs.

Would need to do some tests to know what was happening.

Best to call an hvac tech to at least know what is wrong and then maybe you could do the repair yourself.
