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Putting a door in

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:51 am
by annaz
When we walk in our front door, there is a coat closet straight ahead. If we knocked out the back wall in the back closet it would go straight into the kitchen. It would be so handy to bring in groceries. Currently we have to walk through the FR or LR to get to the kitchen.

On each side of this closet is the FR on the left and LR on the right. Each one of these walls on the closet side/FR and LR have a main beam from top to bottom). Why they didn't make this part of the main wall, I'll never know; but anyway these don't need to be moved at all. Those are pure structure. We just would like to make a doorway in the back of the closet to go straight through to the kitchen. The opposite side of this wall (kitchen) is just a desk area with a couple cabinets.

Is that messing with trouble because it's a marriage line wall? Or is this pretty easy?

Re: Putting a door in

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:52 pm
by Greg
My first thought is that yes it can be done since you are not removing the wall, you are making a hole in it. Since it is a load bearing wall it will not be a simple as just cutting a hole, any time you remove studs in a load bearing wall there must be extra studs added in the new opening such as double or triple header and double up the sides of the door frame.
I am sure others will add to this as well. Greg

Re: Putting a door in

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:33 pm
by astegall1978
Yeah it can be...I have never messed with a load bearing wall but i will tell you if you do do that and if you buy a Pre hung door Check if the stud's are 2x4 or 2x3. I bought one to replace my closet door way and had to cut the jam down cause the doorway was to thin... I had like 3/4 in left sticking out...just An FYI

Re: Putting a door in

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:13 pm
by annaz
Not sure I'm going to mess with it either. Our studs are 2x4. But now I worry about extra load on the floor due to the displacement.
I'll chuck it.