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sealing Roof???

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:48 am
by astegall1978
I have to reseal my metal roof and i was wondering what kinda stuff was Good to use that i could buy locally? I have had leaks in the seems of the roof. And if there is anything i could do to my Windows to make them more efficient? I want to install new ones but that aint in my budget at this time. Thanks


Re: sealing Roof???

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:54 am
by Greg
JD (our resident "Roof guy") has had many posts on this subject, You can do a search on the subject and get some opinions. I use Kool Seal on ours, the bright white does good job reflecting the sun and keeping it cooler in the summer.

Windows, short of replacing them, Good luck. I thing everyone that has old style windows has tried with very little success. Greg

Re: sealing Roof???

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:57 pm
by JD
The Kool Seal is a highly marketed product that is probably sold everywhere. For a 100% acrylic product, it is as good as they get, in my opinion. I use Ames Research coatings, which I purchase online. Shipping is reasonable, and has never taken more than 3 days for me (Portland to Fresno). The Ames products have twice the elongation of any 'acrylic only' product that I have seen or heard of. It also costs twice as much as acrylic only elastomerics. I still swear by the stuff and use it as my main recoat product. On some jobs I will use Liquid Rubber, also purchased online. This coating costs 4-5 times as much as Home Store elastomerics. But again, when the job calls for it, it is the best product for the job.

Any one of the three products mentioned above would serve you well, depending on what you want to achieve. While Kool Seal is the least expensive, it is still a very viable product and used my some of my competitors. I used to use it many years ago as an employee. I use Ames Research Maximum Stretch because I feel it lasts longer and is more forgiving in expansion and contraction, especially a couple of years down the road. The stuff is thick too. I use a putty knife to take the product out of the bucket when doing edges and vents.