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need the technical term, is it vent stack?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:27 pm
by Brenda (OH)

I am trying to help a lady at the park problem-solve, she gets bad odors in her home when she uses the washer, and once sludge came up the tub... The park guys say they think her drain line is ok.....

I told her I thought it might be the vent stack? is that the term for the pipe that goes up to the roof? Would she get odors if the drain line was slowing down or plugged? if not vent stack, what is the term I am looking for so I can check the archives......

I have not had a vent stack issue yet (counting my blessings lol) so I do not have first hand knowledge of the odor issue sympthom.

it is getting pretty funny that the phone conversation went as follows, "is the 3 bedroom you are working on for sale? great, I'll tell my I wondered if you might know what would cause bad odors in my mobile home.... I see you fixing the homes...."

I shared with the lady that I read a mobile home repair website every day so I can be learning. Guess that makes JD, Greg, Mark, Yanita my continuing education professors!


Brenda (OH)

Re: need the technical term, is it vent stack?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:51 pm
by Greg
I think that may one of those regional things, I have heard them called vent stacks, roof vents, roof stacks, vent pipes and I'm sure there are other names for it as well. Greg

Re: need the technical term, is it vent stack?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:30 pm
by JD
I think vent stack is the proper term. I call them plumbing vents. There will be a quiz.


Re: need the technical term, is it vent stack?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:42 pm
by Robert
Vent Stack if it's working. Stink Stack if it's not.

Take care and best wishes,

Re: need the technical term, is it vent stack?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:24 pm
by Yanita
LOL, my Hubby (who is a plumber) calls them vent stacks as well.