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Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:10 am
by flint
I own a 1970-71 singlewide mobile home. The normal upkeep is only thing that has been done. I think it may be time to put on a new roof. It's had all the recoating it can take. I also plan on eventually getting replacement windows and new siding installed. Others are suggesting that I consider getting a newer mobile home instead of putting money into this one, but a newer mobile home is not in the budget. I plan on doing the repairs a little at a time to spread out the costs. Does there come a point where it is not worth putting money into a mobile home this old?

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:07 pm
by Greg
I'm moving this to the repair section. Greg

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:15 pm
by Greg
There are a lot of factors to think about. What is the over all condition of the home is the most important. Personally I feel that age is not that important, I have a 1968 home next door that is still about like new, down the street there are 1990's that are junk so age is not that big of a factor.

I would make a plan on paper and do some estimated costs, see where you stand and go from there. Greg

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:25 pm
by flint
Thank you so much for your reply. You've been very helpful! I don't think my mobilehome is in that bad of shape so I will keep and fix er up!

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:12 pm
by GraceNC
Although you've made your decision to fix er up, I'd like to add a condensed version of my story for those who may stumble across your thread.

I have a 1967 single wide w/ almost 4 acres. I could have ditched this trailer as it was horrible looking...I mean-your worst nightmare! Holes in the floor from rot, rats and their bones in the walls, bugs, ceiling falling in, roof leaking- a MESS!

But after closer inspection- the foundation was excellent, the home was within 1/8 level, the structure was great!

I pulled up my sleeves and got to work cleaning and demo-ing. Alot of elbow grease...tons.
Gutted the place.

The roof- didn't do another patch job or more recoating...did the corrugated metal roof panels.
I pulled up ALL the flooring, cleaned it up and put down plywood, luan, and new tiles.
The walls were washed, wallpaper removed, primed and painted- crown molding and baseboard added.
Windows have casing now. All closets have new bifold doors.
Kitchen has all new appliances w/ microwave hood, custom cabinets, skylights.
Plumbing redone. New lighting...and more I can't even think of. It's an entirely new home.

I'm still not done...but the point is, I have done all this with my own two hands, even the plumbing and custom cabinets. I've been working almost two years now.
But I do it a little at a time, as I get the money.
Plus, it's done the way I like it!

But it's my permanent home...I plan on remaining here forever.

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:27 pm
by DCDiva
Hi The price of a new MH starts @ 25,000 the goes up--the cost to remodel with what you want to do @ 5000 depending on how much DIY you do--and you can so it as you have the money----We have 2 MH 1972 and 1973 models--we are in the process of gutting and rebuilding both--we were going to replace but the new zoning laws prohibit single wide mh in the city,many do now--so we are totally replacing everything in the old MH--I must say that when we bought the MH's most people would have just thought oh it has some soft spots on the floor that need replace, and the roof needs so repairs---we chose to do it all ---and boy are we glad--we found--bad joists--either cut and repaired or dry rotted or cracked--it was easier to just totally put in new than try to replace a few--and the cost was low--like @200 for a 12 x 50 floor--you would have to call your local lumber supply for the cost--we replaced all the electric--boy are we glad we did as many places had hot spots and we were surprised there was no fire--and we found places where ther leaking roof caused major damage to a few studs---as far as windows--you can get great windows at discount places--like if you have window manufacture in the area--you will have to make the window whole bigger sometimes but that is easy --we buy windows for 60-75 @ here --your roof you might have to see what size your walls are--one of our mh is 2x and the other is 2 x4 studs---the 2x mh we are reroofing asap and adding extra 4x4 supports on the outside --like a carport over it--we get major snow-----so this got long lol--why we are doing it all to begin with we do not want repair calls all the time--we can take out time right now--we do not have a mortage on it--and we live 3 hours away so repairs would be a pain

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:06 pm
by DCDiva
PS--keep every receipt for everything you do-----we could only get 10,000 of insurance coverage for our MH but insurance agent said to keep every receipt and the insurance company would increase our coverage for every $1 we put into repair of them---so we would not put out money we would not get back if anything happened

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:24 am
by GraceNC
DCDiva- good post!

I don't have insurance....couldn't find any. Tried several places in town, several 'national' places, then a few online...nothing.
Saying the building/structure wasn't insurable due to age and no value.

But unlike most who would just put $5,000 or so I've already spent over $17,000 and am not finished. Appliances, new roof, doors, millwork, sinks, all adds up! It takes alot of Kilz!

If anything catastrophic happened...I don't know what I'd do...I'd cry then figure it out.

Re: Remodel 1970 mobile home good idea?

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:31 pm
by flint
Thanks everyone for all the posts. I totally appreciate it! There are many things mentioned that I never thought of.