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West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:45 pm
by Denise
IF nothing is "too bad" .... $450.00 seems like a lot to me....I remember my parents having their D/W re-leveled in S. California after earthquakes for $70.00.....That was 10 years ago.

Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:22 pm
by Greg
I can't say $450 sounds like a lot, but $70 sound dirt cheap!!
I know how long it took me to do our 14x80 last year and no way I would do one for $70. I had to bring it up 2" on one end so I did it over a 3 week period gradually raising it to limit any damage, still cracked a wall in the kitchen. Greg

Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:53 pm
by Robert
Hi Denise,

$350 to $450 is not bad for a DW in this area. Be sure they use a water level to check the level with.


Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:20 pm
by Groo
let me get a little un PC here, but I bet the $70 was cash to illegals.

lets not forget everyone needed it done at 1 time, so the bands were roving doing it quick and competing with each other over price.

I've never even looked under a DW, but I bet you've got to be careful about keeping the halves together. Its not like a SW that 1 guy can do with a car jack and some blocks of wood.

Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:34 pm
by Robert
You're not going to get it done with a car jack and probably not live long trying.


Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:27 pm
by Denise
Robert wrote: Be sure they use a water level to check the level with.
I hope so...I've lost on this. I'm assured that if they show up to do it and no water's a no go.

Don't know why it couldn't be asked on the phone while making the appointment. Just rude in my way of thinking.

It was to be done on May 2, 2010....haven't heard from them...I supposed they are bailing out somewhere in W. TN.

GOO, no, The company that did my parents D/W had been there before and were all U.S. citizens. Reputable company.

Thanks Robert!!

Re: West Tennessee-re-level estimate...

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:42 am
by Robert
You're very welcome, holler if ya need any further info. Used to deer hunt in McNairy County.

Do not let anyone check level without using a water level. Their findings otherwise would be bogus and inaccurate.

Take care and best wishes,