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Replace propane Coleman with Intertherm electric

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:04 pm
by retiredat47
I have an 86 Fleetwood with a Coleman 7966 856 propane furnace. The furnace heats the house fine. I will most likely switch to all electric and am considering an Intertherm E3Eb-020H electric. I checked with my electric company and they assured me I can get more amps as now my house has only 100 amp service. So I will get a larger feed as well as a new/larger breaker box. My question is my current furnace is rated at 66k btu/input and 53k btu/output. The furnace I am looking at says it is 70kbtu/output. There is also a Intertherm 53k btu /output so that might be enough. The house is 980 square foot and from what I read they say in cold climates figure 40btu/square foot. So I am guessing I could go with the 53k btu and be fine. But the real question is will there be any issues in replacing the gas furnace with an electric. I will be able to get the power needed to run it. These are new units as the park does not support the voltage requirements. The guy wants $250 for the 70kbtu and probably $225 for the 53kbtu. But would either of these furnaces work in my house replacing the existing Coleman furnace? Anything I would need in addition to the furnace and the power to run it?


Re: Replace propane Coleman with Intertherm electric

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:10 pm
by Robert

Are the furnaces new ? If so, those prices are way too low and something is not right with that.

To know correct size needed, do a Manual J Load Calculation on the home.

Must have 200Amp service for an electric furnace. Make sure physical size will fit in space.

An hvac tech should be able to consult on this and answer all questions. If not installed by a licensed havc tech, warranty of furnace and home insurance most likely will be voided if a fire or something happens regarding furnace.


Re: Replace propane Coleman with Intertherm electric

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:08 am
by retiredat47
Hi Robert and thanks for your reply.

Yes, these are new units, the mobile home park got a bunch of homes in that had the electric furnace and the electric supplied will not support the furnaces sot they all got replaced with gas. I looked at it and ended up getting the 70k BTU (my current furnace is 66k btu but 80%). I can swap it for a 53k btu if I want. I ended up getting it for only $200 so I bought it. But I viewed the documentation and it looks complete. It doesn't have the air conditioning or a heat pump which are optional but all else seems there.

I plan to have it installed by an HVAC person even thought here in CO as a homeowner builder you can do all your work. I built a stick built house here and did it all, plumbing, electrical, framing... You have to have all the inspections just like anybody else but you can do the work. But I plan to have it done by a licensed person. I just wanted to make certain this would go in my mobile home.

I have room for a 200A box so now I am working with electric company to get me a different meter head. Then I can run a different line to the house and get a new breaker box. But the house is only a few feet from the meter. But this isn't being lived in so I am just working on it as time permits.

Thanks again Robert and I will keep all updated on my progress.

Re: Replace propane Coleman with Intertherm electric

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:40 pm
by Robert

They gave that furnace away, LOL. Yes it will work in your home, but I would get the Manual J

Load Calc. done to know exact size needed, then go with that size.

Too big is just as bad as too small. You can go to and look at top tool bar

for HVAC Calc and get it for doing as a homeowner.
