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MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:23 pm
by DCDiva
We finally can work again. We did all the electric,plumbing,replaced all the windows and doors,built the walls for bedroom/bath/laundry, insulated walls and drywall--we have a few sheets to do in bedroom but we did all the drywall you see in 1 day--my son 13 was the dry wall cutter--he is in one of the photos--he is so accurate in his cuts,rarely do you have to trim them--we have a a month long vacation--lol yea right---to work on this project so you should be some dramatic changes soon :)
Melissa sorry it is in an album--tried to send it to my email w photos--this worked then copy/paste--did not work,I will get it to post here one day lol
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- melissa
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Mh As of June 7 2010 (1 album)

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:30 pm
by DCDiva
Here you can see the album without signing in--I forgot to uncheck it ... s-_-Sharer

melissa has shared photos with you.

- melissa

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:25 pm
by psalmx
I noticed you hung drywall on the walls before the ceiling. Around here we hang the ceiling first, that way the edges against the walls are suppurted by the wall drywall.

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:00 pm
by DCDiva
Not using drywall on ceilings--cause problems in our other mh--same type/yr--the way we finish the walls/ceilings the end product you will see we know what were doing

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:04 am
by Brenda (OH)

I have a ceiling repair coming up in a laundry room, could you outline quickly how you do a whole ceiling? it surely does show that you and yours know some great ways to do mobile home upgrades...

Brenda (OH)

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:36 pm
by DCDiva
it is easier to take photos to explain--this is what we are doing next week--but I do not have internet there--we are using masonite--is @ $ 6 for 4x8 sheet, it is like 1/4 thick and very light weight we will prime/paint it,screw it up and cover seams w trim--usually 1 x4 this way we can access it--our wires run in the ceiling and easy to repair if needed---will post a photo of other houses we did this way
here ... s-_-Sharer

Re: MH remodel photos part 5

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:14 am
by psalmx
Very interesting. Looks like the stuff we call frp panels aroudn here they are about 11 bucks though. $22 a sheet for the type that have a texture.