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Code enforcement ?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:44 am
by DCDiva
When you have a permit--does the code enforcement inspectors do drive bys and do drop in visits,unscheduled--is this how it works in other cities---I am not complaining and they are very nice and we explained that we live 3 hours away and work on the mh every weekend and 3 weeks of vacation so far and we keep our job site very clean and we put away things after we are done---we are not use to this--in our area we get a permit,the building inspector will usually come look to see what we are doing then we never see them again--but we do not have zoning laws in our area either--but I was just wondering in other larger areas that have code enforcement--this is common???

Re: Code enforcement ?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:52 pm
by bobfather99
If the job site is clean and safe, nothing outside of the permitted construction is done, and the work starts/stops at a reasonable time of day, there should be no problem at all. So youre doing the right thing.

It is common around here for inspectors to drop by during the day, many times they do a quick drive-by if they are in the area or have nothing else to do.

Re: Code enforcement ?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:09 pm
by Greg
It will very from town to town. In Some areas the inspector will issue the permit and say "let me know when you are done" others will require inspections during or after each phase many time unannounced.

Just remember to work WITH them, they can make things very hard for you if they want.

I had 2 uncles that at one time worked as a Mortgage inspector (many times dressed in blue jeans or coveralls) and the other as a carpenter. Many times they would just meet up on a job. Most times the owner never even new that the inspection had taken place. Greg

Re: Code enforcement ?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:13 pm
by DCDiva
I was just wondering if that was common---I think they are just making sure work is being done in timely order---and they have been great--we have asked ?'s about things and they give great advice--I think they run into people that do not know what they are doing and try to keep a look out on all the projects--we have a few inspectors and they all love what we have done and even said they send others that want to do things to look at other peoples projects to get ideas ---I told him yesterday that we want to do things the right way the first time and go above the need to do things sometimes and if they see something we missed to let us know