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Ratting noise comming from blower

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:26 pm
by freqz
Intertherm MGHA-090ABPQ-01

Came home today and heard a rattling noise comming the the blower. I pulled the blower off and I beleive I found the problem but I need some more info.

Between the cage and the motor there was a black ring that was just rattling around. There is also ( Looks the same ) ring on the back of the motor. I personally see no purpose at all for the ring on the back of the motor or the front between the sq. cage and motor. It almost looks like if you push the sq. cage up to the motor it will do nothing but rub on this ring and get hot and who know what else. I've taken some picture to help show you exactly what I'm talking about here, and hopefully you can give me some insight.





Re: Ratting noise comming from blower

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:53 pm
by Robert

It looks like part of the bearing hub assembly. The cage should not be up against or touching anything.

You would have to talk to the motor manufacturer to know exactly what it is for .

However, I would not try and run the motor without it.


Re: Ratting noise comming from blower

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:05 pm
by freqz
I thought that at first too. But just like on the back of the motor it covers nothing important at all. pulls on/off with little to no effort, and as you can see from the back casting when it's on it's "just there".

The ONLY thing I could think of why it would be on the front would be if some how the cage broke loose and when right against the motor.

I really don't know, and searched as best I could on the net and came up with nothing at all.

It's just a very hard piece of rubber with a metal ring around it.

Re: Ratting noise comming from blower

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:23 pm
by freqz
AH HA !!!! Did some more digging up and found this:

All models are electrically reversible and include 2-1/4" resilient rings for base mounting.

SO I guess I'm not base mounting, so I can go without them :D

Re: Ratting noise comming from blower

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:57 am
by Robert
I'll have to pay more attention when on calls and see if I can find me one like that. Probably have already and didn't pay attention because it was ok, LOL.

Too many units, brands, motors and calls gone under the bridge to keep up with all the what nots.

Glad you found the info.
