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And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:17 pm
by italianmomof4
Ive got something that likes to run laps around 3 am in the ducts. How do I find it and get rid of it?

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:05 pm
by Greg
Critters in the ducts, lots of FUN!! The best thing to do first is to drive them out, if possible do not use a poison, you would not believe the stench a dead critter makes and how hard they are to find. Once you get them to vacate, get the ducts sealed up, then the underbelly. The underbelly is your LAST line of defense against critters. You also need to get your skirting in place and tight, NO HOLES. Once a critter gets past the skirting they have free reign under your home.

I am sure others may some some ideas on how to drive them away. Greg

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:54 am
by Brenda (OH)
well, I know what to do if it is the average teenager..... classical music....

there are those sonic devices, non toxic, you could try that...

i would like to know if moth balls would work, put in jars with holes punched in the lid, would not be able to run the heating or cooling system though, any thoughts on that one?

Brenda (OH)

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:55 am
by Dean3
Drill a hole in a trap far enough in to be strong so the wood doesn't break,attach a cord to keep the critter from dragging it out of reach in it's death throes,remove a vent cover,carefully place the baited and set trap inside,tie the cord to the cover,set the cover back so it seems normal to the critter,wait for the "SNAP" sound,,,it will be music to your ears,,guaranteed. This would be simple for floor vents like in my single wide,maybe not so easy for wall vents that the duct drops a ways.

If you haven't seen the critter,,the trick might be knowing what size trap to use,,a mouse trap will only educate a rat and make it harder to get,a rat trap might not work for a mouse either,or,make a terrible mess of it! Is there any poop for evidence of the size of the critter?


How do you catch a rare bird? "U-NEEK" up on em!

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:10 am
by Dean3
Also stay away from the easy set traps with the plastic base,the metal bars are cheap and can break and there again,simply educate the critter. As you well know,it's far better to get them before they breed.

Another thought might be to set a live trap in the vent,this might eliminate the need of a cord although one could still be used to be sure. Live traps are bigger so measure the hole before you buy. Make sure it will fit in and then operate without the door jamming against the duct.


Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:42 am
by Brenda (OH)
this website has some great info on how to figure out what creature you are dealing with, and said to put traps in not set for a week, then set them rats have to get used to the traps first... ... s/rats.htm

I hope this helps...Brenda (OH)

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:58 pm
by Harry

I put a radio in the duct and tuned to rap music. The rodents didn't like it and my wife didn't either. So I went to HD and bought one of those silent to humans sonic devices...about 3 years ago. I think they work. Also under the MH I use several different things traps even poison. We live in the boonies so we have lots of critters. Tree rats (squirrels) are bad also.

Good Luck.


Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:19 pm
by Dean3
Harry wrote:Hi

I put a radio in the duct and tuned to rap music. The rodents didn't like it and my wife didn't either. So I went to HD and bought one of those silent to humans sonic devices...about 3 years ago. I think they work. Also under the MH I use several different things traps even poison. We live in the boonies so we have lots of critters. Tree rats (squirrels) are bad also.

Good Luck.

The rodents stayed or you wouldn't have bought the sonic thing,,but,,did you get rid of your wife with the rap music?........Just askin.

Owls,,,,owls are the absolute best for getting rid of rodents before they get in,,not so good for outdoor cats though.

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:54 am
by Harry
My bride hide the radio from me. I think she put it in a zip lock bag and stored it with the hurricane supplies. At the time I think most of the critters were getting into the ducts system via the flex crossover duct. It had a hole in it the size of a big butted recoon.

Yep - owls are good and Red Shouldered Hawks are good too and farrow cats are good too.

I bought a plastic owl once. It had red eyes that lit up. After a week the squirrels chewed the ears off it.....

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:14 am
by Dean3
:lol: Harry :lol: That's almost as funny as crows getting frisky on a scarecrow.

Getting rid of the ears made it look like a red-eye lump,,,it didn't scare the little squirrel kits that way.

Re: And what about rats or something like that...

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:29 pm
by Groo
tradition rat poison make the vermin die a thirst death, so if there is no water available they leave to try to find it before they keel over. but you are risking a big stench. at least MHs often have simple ducting whenyou have to try and find the rotten stinker.