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Water Damage

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:49 pm
by makbe67
Hi There,

I am trying to help a friend out with their bathroom in their master bedroom. The drain in the shower must have been cracked for a long time and then they finally noticed it when it completely broke off. I came over and took a look and told them there is probably a lot of water and we better pull the shower. After doing this there was a great deal of water and it has been there for a long time. I pulled as much wet insulation as I could and then let it air out. My question is whether I can cut the black plastic under the trailer which holds all of the insulation and remove all of the insulation to make sure I get rid of all of the moisture (worried about mold). I noticed two areas under the trailer where there is sag in this black liner. They said they had a huge hot water heater leak a few years back and I am thinking that another section is holding water. We are going to redo the whole bathroom and I want to do this right for them. I have done alot of work in houses but never a trailer. Any help is appreciated.


Re: Water Damage

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:04 pm
by Brenda (OH)

if the repair is that complex, you might want to get the mobile home repair book, since you are possibly facing plumbing repair, tub replacement, joist repair, floor repair, reinsulating, and underbelly repairs...each a little different from single family home repair (pex plumbing, flooring can extend under the walls, underbelly must be done to insulate but not block air flow to pipes)

when you have a starting plan, you can post very specific questions on various parts of the repair... .


Re: Water Damage

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:45 pm
by Greg
Hi & welcome. It sounds to me like you really need to do more investigating to find out for sure what you are dealing with. Once you find the full extent of the damage AND the cause you can proceed on the repairs. Do it once, do it right. Greg

Re: Water Damage

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:12 pm
by makbe67
Thanks for the advice so far. I have ripped their entire bathroom out and have been under the trailer again. I cut a piece of the under belly and that water seemed to go to the lowest place as the insulation that was higher up remained dry. The access panel under the drain for the shower was pretty rotted so I can see I would have to replace all of that wood. Can the under belly be cut out in sections? I see that the metal cross beams seem to section off each part of the trailer and this belly material goes over the joist and then starts a new section *like the belly material was all one piece during original construction). I am wondering if I can cut a section out to do all of the repairs and then seal off the two section where I believe there is water with new belly material and insulation. Would that be possible?

I am not worried about any of the plumbing, etc just want to make sure their are properly insulated and sealed after moisture is taken care of. Their skirting around the trailer is all isulated and it never goes below freezing uder there. And advice will be a great help.


Re: Water Damage

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:26 pm
by Greg
You may be able to find belly material locally or Mark has the supplies in the store (books & parts section of the site). Greg